need help fast


i am going to try and attach pictures am not having luck can anyone tell me how to attach a picture off of my computer need help fast to find out what is wrong with plants and how to help iam a newbe

I believe this to be a mag deficiency due to calcium overdose....used cal/mag w/ hard water ..... have since flushed and foliar sprayed w epsom salts....:wall: what do you think would love some feedback
ok guys sorry about the weak post just learning, here we go. strand is white widow they r 7 weeks old about 3 1/2 ft tall and 4 weeks into flowering, sys is 2, 1000 w/hps for flower,2, 1000 w/mh for veg on suncircle. co2 @1500ppm to 1800ppm, ph5.8 to6.2, nutes 700ppm at veg increasing to 1500ppm and flowering at 1500 to 2000ppm, growing in rockwool , watering twice a day 45 mins. w/ 1/2 gal. a hr emitters, growing area is 10x10. Hear is a run down of nutes flora nova veg, and flowering, sm 90, big bloom 0-10-10, and cal/mag i mix 1/2 to 3/4 strength vent every 2 1/2 hrs, temp @ 70to 85, humidity @ 40 to 60 percent adding more pics updated w/ proper date all new pics i am adding are of the same plant seems to be my worst one leaves are turning brown and crumbling to touch the one single leaf pic is beginning stage and one pic of overall view of crop hate to see what would happen if i let it go another five days w/o help thanx to most of u for being patient w/ me

Attached Thumbnails




Well-Known Member
Scoped out= no bugs.
Humidity Good.

Hmmm I would do a safety flush and make sure you take the nutes at a safe level. Wait a week and see if there is improvement.


thanx did one flush still getting worse your suggesting another flush? and what about epsom salts use it or no


already did a flush and foliar sprayed w/ epsom salts still getting worse should i flush again


Active Member
I cant believe no one asked about the specifics of this grow first......What strain, how old, what is the feeding schedule, how big are the pots, how many days between waterings, light, air ventilation??? Questions like this could really help some one find a better answer then flush....oh yea what kinda medium are they in???