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    Difference between stoned and high?

    i dont get it, i have only started smoking in the last two months or so, and i am yet to discover the difference between stoned, and high. Someone elaborate?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Does anyone think, that, this rain should fuck the hell off?
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    pc autoflower lst mini grow

    looks good.
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    Hey Everyone

    Hi. Welcome to RIU
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    WoW! An Experiance.

    Cant cid trips be really bad tho? like really fucken freaky?
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    Tear it to shreds

    didn't hurt me.
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    Does my plant look ready?? To get chop?

    hard to tell, depending on what type of high you want, you will have to harvest at different times. If your after a head high, wait until around 50 - 70% of the pistils are orange/red. If you want a couch lock stone, wait until the pistils have started to retract into the bud and harvest then...
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    growing outdoor in Australia

    thx guys got them germing now :)
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    Super Lemon Haze, White Widow & 60DW 400watts

    looks good. Subbed.
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    growing outdoor in Australia

    Hi RIU, just wondering what the best time of the year to start an outdoor grow in Australia is? Thx.
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    Organic and Florescent Only (3 weeks into flowering pics)

    looks nice, but i dont agree with the foliar feeding, too high a chance of bud rot.
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    First Grow

    Hi Guys, just dropped in to let you that she turned out to be a he, so he was pulled and left to rest in peace. Ill be starting a new journal with some other seeds i hvae aquired, look out for it :)
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    First Grow

    Hey guys, just an update on the grow, i have her outside in the sunlight and she is loving it. Have a look :) Also, can anyone identify if she is actually a she? i tried to get some close ups of what looks like re flowers :):):)
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    Here the Idea!

    Sounds like a mad idea. good luck
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hi, i need some help, my plant has small dark green patches on the larger, older fan leaves, what could be the problem?
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    hom much rain is too much?

    I second this question, im in south eastern queensland, Australia, and my Auto hasnt seen decent sunshine for 3 days!!
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    Green, but Dead leaves? Pics inside

    Thanks guys, i just watered before taking these pics, but i will take yuor advice and let her dry out a bit. Peace
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    Green, but Dead leaves? Pics inside

    Hi, gota a few problems with my plant, the leaves are green, but they arent alive? I have just recently moved her outdoors and the wind is a bit high, so she still needs to stregthen up a bit, but after two days outside, the lower leaves on only one side have started to die form the tips...
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    22/F/Aus Fuck me?
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    First Grow

    Hey thanks for the quick reply, i vegged under 2 130W cfls in a large plastic bucket with dirt in the bottom, a pc fan at the top and inlet holes just above the dirt line, it was pretty neat and worked really well, the CFL's were attached to the lid via wire so they could be raised/lowered, i...