Green, but Dead leaves? Pics inside

Hi, gota a few problems with my plant, the leaves are green, but they arent alive? I have just recently moved her outdoors and the wind is a bit high, so she still needs to stregthen up a bit, but after two days outside, the lower leaves on only one side have started to die form the tips inwards, its only on one side, and the leaves are green, but dead? i think it might be nute burn, but not sure.......any help is appreciated.

Also looks droopy, but i think that is from the transplant that happened when she went form indoors to outdoors.




Not sure about the dead leaves... Some kind of disease?? But the droopiness looks like overwatering, soil looks saturated... did you just water her when you took pics?


Well-Known Member
overwatering is killing them. sometimes when i water really heavily ill have green leaves fall off after a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
It's from letting them hang and touch the soil. Very risky, 'cause you're inviting more advanced mold/fungus problems.


You should let her dry out and starve her for a bit.. and if the problem keeps spreading I'd chop off the infected stuff