Search results

  1. cluch

    trouble finding butane

    after calling around to all the local tabaco shops shopping centers and malls i found a little gas station by accident on my way home from work i stopped in on the way to a friends house to get some coffey and ide be damned if they didnt have a few bottles sitting right beside my brand of...
  2. cluch

    Eyes In The Sky

    a little off subject but some here say the copters can identify a single plant grown out side using these devices wich i say is a myth.sure it maybe possible but fesible i dont think so.has any one heard of the heat or infered being used to spot a plant.. if u have a 1/2 acre garden i say yes..i...
  3. cluch

    College Students, Welcome to a Lifetime of Debt!

    probly the same as yours..whatever drugs the doc is getting a cut on to promote why would they cure u thats bad business, they have a class on that to......
  4. cluch

    help me planthe trip of a lifetime

    if u have the trip of a lifetime at 18 u should die at or around 30...i mean what else is there to do but depression..
  5. cluch

    College Students, Welcome to a Lifetime of Debt!

    on the job training.......take the test......agrakudabra degree why would u have to go to school for years when u can do it today.. if i had to go to school for money i would have shot my self the only ones who say u have to go to school to get a job is the ones who had to go to school and get a...
  6. cluch

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    what kind of water,tap,distilled,well water,ro water,mountain spring,, wondering what the diff would be from tap with chlorine and fluoride and all the other crap in it to distilled or ro? would the chlorine help rid of impurities or add the other crap? sorry if this ? has been asked but i must...
  7. cluch

    help me planthe trip of a lifetime

    z lives.....u probly go to the morgue or pen (aka. big house) good luck if all fells when the white rabbit peaks drop the tv in the tub yourself...
  8. cluch

    I have a rant. I think you should Read it.

    every time i try to keep up with the jones's i go do they get so much money?.....oh yeah they are cut throat heartless money hungry ungrateful people who has to be on top or they will commit suicide. do any of u know them? one more thing any one got a doller i can hold till after...
  9. cluch

    trouble finding butane

    burton we do have........and no the head shops here suck. i was looking for calibri and id have to order it thats the 2oz cans i was talking about..i was wanting 5x refined like in the faq,but id have to order them to..probly go with burton then if killerweed is still alive when i get ready for...
  10. cluch

    trouble finding butane

    have u tried this brand outsidegrower? also i read not to use the type for stoves couse of impurities....
  11. cluch

    dwc-400mh-1st grow

    and some more
  12. cluch

    dwc-400mh-1st grow

    im ready to flush this grow and cut um down to reset for the new , will be making lots of changes, ordered kool bloom,flouricous plus and flora blend for my aurora grow and change the op .....probly make alot of oil from these not seeing a lot wort making into smoke but i have learned alot so im...
  13. cluch

    i'm seeing more and more of this

    i cannot spell nor do i squez my butt cheeks together win i talk..make of it what u will..
  14. cluch

    trouble finding butane

    going to make some oil and need good butane, i made alittle with the only kind thats local wich is ronsen and gave me a headache,looked on the net for calibri and only found 2oz bottles thats like 12 cans for 50bucks any 1 know of a good spot to look for some 300ml 5x refined or = to it..
  15. cluch

    600W Aurora Indica Scrog

    nice grow man, i also have some aurora seeds, will be waching for new post, that screen is freaken me out its loaded.........
  16. cluch

    Out of Control Hobby Addicted to Gardening

    what about fruit berring trees , what kind of trees can u grow inside,lemon fer instance
  17. cluch

    smoking xtc

    this is about x right mdma,rollin, we used to get some triple stack fish(thats what they called it)it was a pressed pill mdma,herion,mdma...not sure why herion but it was ther..we eat them ,some snorted them,and a few girls i knew what do what i called a booty roll lol,yea it was funny then to...
  18. cluch

    DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO

    wouldnt have thought about mold,i guess u could evape the water of after gathered but that just be another step,thanks for the info on the filter..
  19. cluch

    DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO

    thts a good coler maney filters u use and what kind ....ive seen diffrent ways and diffrent product,green, brown, going for the gold and thinking the oll white filter you buy at the doller store wont get me there thoughts.. also seen a dude on utube just spay it right on top some...
  20. cluch

    Hello from Toronto

    ill say this much if i moved to canada and became a citizen i would leave my flag at the border unlike some of our mexican friends......i mean coworkers........