I have a rant. I think you should Read it.


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt have to break your bank for xmas. people who go into debt from buyng xmas gifts probably have a lot more problems in their life.

it sure is fun getting useless crap that you have to "pretend" to like tho. xmas gives families a reason to get together and be dysfunctional the good ol american way
lol. Right, you shouldn't have to go into debt buying xmas gifts, and the people that do (the ones that part was really for, not you and me) probably have a lot other problems in their life.

I love the oh yeah thanks look that we put on just so we don't hurt feelings. And people do the same thing to us for the crappy gift we got them. lol


Active Member
I did enjoy your rant Socialproblem, I dont think they got your point but its ok cause I did and thats all that matters.:peace:


Well-Known Member
every time i try to keep up with the jones's i go broke.......how do they get so much money?.....oh yeah they are cut throat heartless money hungry ungrateful people who has to be on top or they will commit suicide. do any of u know them?
one more thing any one got a doller i can hold till after the holidays.......


Well-Known Member
every time i try to keep up with the jones's i go broke.......how do they get so much money?.....oh yeah they are cut throat heartless money hungry ungrateful people who has to be on top or they will commit suicide. do any of u know them?
one more thing any one got a doller i can hold till after the holidays.......
LoL. That family drives me nuts.
as long as you spend it wisely. :)


Well-Known Member
There was one comment made. I don't see how you think that means mj420 is on my dick. You are truly ridiculous.

No you're truly ridiculous. I make a joke and you jump all over it. Enough with validating your existance online. Jesus christ. I agree with you in a past post and you hoped all over that too. You're helpless. You're the true definition of an ungrateful complainer.


Well-Known Member
No you're truly ridiculous. I make a joke and you jump all over it. Enough with validating your existance online. Jesus christ. I agree with you in a past post and you hoped all over that too. You're helpless. You're the true definition of an ungrateful complainer.
Not really complaining at all. I don't need validation online. I believe I had a post about that. I'm having a great day today. Studying, posting, posting, not studying. I'm about to go take a final at three and pick up my dog right after that. I'm very grateful for many things. I just think that name calling is rather childish. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt have to break your bank for xmas. people who go into debt from buyng xmas gifts probably have a lot more problems in their life.

it sure is fun getting useless crap that you have to "pretend" to like tho. xmas gives families a reason to get together and be dysfunctional the good ol american way
That is not what the OP is saying. He is saying that he doesn't like how people spend their money. He is trying to dictate how people should spend their hard earned money....:confused:

Then my observation was:
Seriously, do you thing anyone truly HATES money??? Hell no!!! The ones that claim to hate it are always the ones that don't have it....
Then he came back with...he comes from wealth:

I come from a fairly wealthy background. I had a lot of things growing up that I'm very glad I had, but material things are not one of them. There are a lot of wealthy people who are still responsible with their money. I'm not saying don't spend money, I just wish people would put some thought into how they can make the world a better place.
Then he talks more of his wealth:

I've got some pretty sweet gifts too. All of the things you mentioned are very useful and necessary. Thats not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about pointless things, and gas guzzling tanks people use for transportation just because they like the way it looks.I do think people have the right to spend their money how they want to, but eventually they will have to spend it on more useful things.
Now he is claiming he didn't have much and he was still able to prevail:

I was taught by my parents that there are things more important than being popular. I had confidence without a play station. I wasn't picked on much at all.

And i never claimed to have had everything growing up. I was probably just a little above average. I did get a car from my whole family for graduation. That is about as far as it goes. I wasn't poor, but was far from a spoiled brat.
The Op doesn't know what he stands for. He is making it up as he goes on...The only thing he is sure of is to tell people how to spend their money...whatever


Well-Known Member
First I am not dictating anything. I once mentioned fairly wealthy background which is completely relative. I never claimed to be poor. I was saying that I didn't struggle growing up. You took one quote and said I was talking about wealth. My statement was that I had some pretty sweet gifts growing up and I'm thankful for those. Notice another time you quoted me, I said I never had lots of things growing up that i'm very glad I had but they weren't material things. Once again, not saying I was very poor because I wasn't I was a little above average which is fairly wealthy to a lot of people. You know....like the average and below! It is also not rich to the many people who are well above average. So don't go attacking portions of quotes I said like that.


Well-Known Member
First I am not dictating anything. I once mentioned fairly wealthy background which is completely relative. I never claimed to be poor. I was saying that I didn't struggle growing up. You took one quote and said I was talking about wealth. My statement was that I had some pretty sweet gifts growing up and I'm thankful for those. Notice another time you quoted me, I said I never had lots of things growing up that i'm very glad I had but they weren't material things. Once again, not saying I was very poor because I wasn't I was a little above average which is fairly wealthy to a lot of people. You know....like the average and below! It is also not rich to the many people who are well above average. So don't go attacking portions of quotes I said like that.
Sorry, but they were not portions...they were your quotes...and if you think that 'above average' is 'fairly wealthy' you need to study more economics and less ranting....jmo...


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but they were not portions...they were your quotes...and if you think that 'above average' is 'fairly wealthy' you need to study more economics and less ranting....jmo...
Wealth is totally relative. To many Americans, my family would be considered fairly wealthy. There are also many Americans that would consider me not wealthy at all. So, you see, it is relative.

Right they were my quotes, but they were messages to different people about different stuff. Not just one person. I can have lots of things that aren't material possessions and still not be rich. I wouldn't consider myself rich, but a lot of the families of kids I went to school would. I don't think I'm rich, I think I'm blessed with enough to get by and have some leftover. I am thankful for that. I never once said I was poor. And if you assumed that I felt I didn't have much and was still able to prevail from me saying:

I was taught by my parents that there are things more important than being popular. I had confidence without a play station. I wasn't picked on much at all.
And i never claimed to have had everything growing up. I was probably just a little above average. I did get a car from my whole family for graduation. That is about as far as it goes. I wasn't poor, but was far from a spoiled brat.

Then your assumption was clearly way off. How do you get that from that statement? That was in response to a women telling me that I was a spoiled brat. I didn't have a playstation, but in that context it most certainly didn't mean I was poor, it meant that I was able to not get picked on and I didn't have the latest video game system. Once again, that doesn't make me poor. Read the posts that that was in response to and you will see what I mean.


Active Member
Wealth is not relative. You are either wealthy or you aren't... there is no opinion about it. Not being able to determine if you're wealthy or not is probably also a cause of some of the issues you describe in the first post......


Well-Known Member
dude, I beast on video games and have for years and I'm underweight by a little and always have been. I don't think it's fair to say it's a cause of obesity. I LUVS MUH VIDYA GAMEZ.


New Member
This does NOT sound like you appreciated what you received from your parents.

Don't believe I was voting on child rearing. I was a child once. Had a lot of gifts under the tree. Felt good about them for two weeks and they were forgotten.

It's pretty cruel and heartless to say children shouldn't get gifts for christmas. What would it be like to return to school on the day after Christmas break to see and hear all the other children talking about their gifts, which you got none of? Some askes "hey what did you get"? and you answer "energy saving lightbulbs" I think you would receive a few taunts, wouldn't you agree?

I'm not saying people should go into debt, but damn, for kids to not really get anything, especially if you can afford to buy it is just mean.