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  1. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    I updated my grow journal. I welcome any comments. Thank you very much for the help once again.
  2. expatriot823

    Hello world, my first post and grow.

    I switched the reservoir water a few days ago, and here I am again! After waking up and discovering my girls (here's to hoping) were suffering from nute burn, like a mother fucker, I backed off some of the nutrients. So far it looks like everything is looking better. I switched the light cycle...
  3. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    The time cycle I have it on is 15/30 throughout the day. From my understanding that is the recommended time settings for a typical ebb and flow system. Er am I mistaking? This is my first grow after all.
  4. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    Just a quick update, if anyone cares, I changed the reservoir last night. After 24 hours in the new concoction the plants are showing signs of recovery. Thank you for all your input, much appreciated. Respect. And yes! I am antifa. Nice to see there is good company kept on the boards.
  5. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    I am doing a hydroponic grow using the two part advanced nutrient system. I have a grow journal started here: How can I not use the nutes for the next two weeks with the hydroponics? Should I just leave it and switch...
  6. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    I did have a PH problem, like I said. The concern comes because these splotches appeared over night. These are my babies, and it just concerned me hardcore is all.
  7. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    The PH is balanced, that was a problem in the second week. I just have one of those PH test kits though, like you would find at a pet store. I am sorry for my ignorance, but what does the PPM refer to? Thank you for the response, homie.
  8. expatriot823

    Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

    I went down today to check out my plants, when I went down there I was greeted with a few problems. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me diagnosis the problems that showed up. Thanks a lot, in advance.
  9. expatriot823

    Grow tent 600w hps hydro under construction

    Looks good man, keep up the good work!
  10. expatriot823

    Hello world, my first post and grow.

    I'm not budding them, the budded plant is a foster kid of sorts. It was well into its life cycle before I became its caregiver. I plan on switching to a 12/12 cycle with the red tubes next week.
  11. expatriot823

    Hello world, my first post and grow.

    The title pretty much says it all. I added some PH Down into the mix, and in the process my plants have flourished! Two of the bag seeds are showing definite female traits, but I am not 100% sure of the sex on any of the bag seeds. Although I did accidentally top one of the plants, it is...
  12. expatriot823

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Great post, thanks a lot! It's helped me identify a problem I've been having since day one!
  13. expatriot823

    Hello world, my first post and grow.

    It's been a week, I changed the reservoir water last night. Here are the most recent pictures. Thanks for the reply Rasclot! It's nice to know someone is out there haha.
  14. expatriot823

    Hello world, my first post and grow.

    Hello roll it up, long time lurker, first time poster here. I don't know what to put here other than a thank you to all the community members, without you guys' indirect support I would not have these pictures that I am posting today. So big ups, and thank you. At any rate, this is my second...