Four pictures with different symptoms... help please!

The PH is balanced, that was a problem in the second week. I just have one of those PH test kits though, like you would find at a pet store. I am sorry for my ignorance, but what does the PPM refer to? Thank you for the response, homie.


Active Member
yeah bro just cool it with the nutes for 2 weeks and let it do its thing.. what kind of soil are you using? :leaf:
I did have a PH problem, like I said. The concern comes because these splotches appeared over night. These are my babies, and it just concerned me hardcore is all.
Just a quick update, if anyone cares, I changed the reservoir last night. After 24 hours in the new concoction the plants are showing signs of recovery. Thank you for all your input, much appreciated. Respect.

And yes! I am antifa. Nice to see there is good company kept on the boards.
The time cycle I have it on is 15/30 throughout the day. From my understanding that is the recommended time settings for a typical ebb and flow system.

Er am I mistaking? This is my first grow after all.


Well-Known Member
The PH is balanced, that was a problem in the second week. I just have one of those PH test kits though, like you would find at a pet store. I am sorry for my ignorance, but what does the PPM refer to? Thank you for the response, homie.
dont know anything bout indoor, but ppm means parts per million. something that has to do with nutes and water i think. dont quote me though


Well-Known Member
ppm tells you how much stuff is in your water. the more nutrients you use, the more ppm, the harsher it is to younger hydro plants. i dont know why people keep asking you about soil and if the roots are dried out-its freaking hydro lol, look at all that hydroton in the pictures guys n gals.

good luck man