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  1. JoDirt

    Questions at Day 41

    how much would you say i'll get then? it's my first grow I'm not sure what to expect
  2. JoDirt

    Questions at Day 41

    No one? here is what she looks like at day 43, seems good enough for at least 14 grams?
  3. JoDirt

    Questions at Day 41

    Thanks for the inputs! Anyone else? I was hoping to get at least 14 grams out of my plant.. Do you think that sounds right? It's my first grow so I don't know what to expect. My grandma's plant might yield higher so maybe 40 grams both plant combined?
  4. JoDirt

    Anyone else

    anyone else in this section also grow weed besides of toke n talking
  5. JoDirt

    The Drunk Thread!

    ohh god 10chars
  6. JoDirt

    Questions at Day 41

    Ok so about 2 months ago I bought some seeds online, 2 Skunk Automatic Feminized seeds. I germinated and planted one of them in a pot with some soil I had at home, and put it under 151w (true watts) CFL. 2 days later I started germinating the other seeds. The next day, my Grandma come home...
  7. JoDirt

    can i make brownies :D just cut

    might wanna look at this section
  8. JoDirt

    Indicas are an abomination to the cannabis world

    Yo dawg grow ur shits if ya not happy
  9. JoDirt

    What happens if i never harvest???

    I agree. She might be happy and produce more bud to thank you.
  10. JoDirt

    138w CFL Grow Day 35 [Autoflowering]

    Well we both use same nutrients same soil and same water, I have 138w real wattage cfl and she has only 39w. Could my light schedule provoke slowed grow? I am using 22/2 Our plant have about the same size, but my leaves are really small compared to her The lights are as close to the foliage as...
  11. JoDirt

    138w CFL Grow Day 35 [Autoflowering]

    Aren't they already flowering? You can see the pistils in the video. And it's an auto flowering strain I don't think I can force it to flower I went to my grandma today and I watched her plant and her leaves are like 2 times bigger or more. Could my plant be rootbound? She got a slightly bigger...
  12. JoDirt

    purple not always a deficiency.....have a look

    loll I guess its a clone xd
  13. JoDirt

    Today is my birthday, so I decided to do Molly, Acid, and Shrooooms. :)

    Happy birthday dude! And is molly extasy? Sorry we don't call that molly in my area
  14. JoDirt


    Cool got it thanks all
  15. JoDirt


    The forum is saying I am able to roll a joint. But I'm not. Fix it please Oh and how do I change my profile pic
  16. JoDirt

    purple not always a deficiency.....have a look

    17 days old from seeds or clone?
  17. JoDirt

    First grow and winter's coming

    Its 20,3c in my basement and my 6 23w CFL make the temp go up to 21,2c right next to the plant. I don't think you should put your plants in that cold place
  18. JoDirt

    138w CFL Grow Day 35 [Autoflowering]

    I started feeding 20-20-20 a week and a half ago, at quarter strength once every 3 watering. Also, I added soil to the pot 3 days ago because there was only about 4 inches of soil, made a mistake when I planted the seeds lol. I didn't wanted to transplant by fear of breaking her. Does she look...
  19. JoDirt

    New seeds arrived hurray!

    I agree with the OP, there's already tons of people on the internet who already posted information on how seeds are shipped around the globe, there's no need to remove those pics lol
  20. JoDirt

    138w CFL Grow Day 35 [Autoflowering]

    That's my first grow, does she looks underdeveloped for her age? I browsing around to find pics of other people's grow around day 35 and theirs seems to be much bigger.. Also I gave my Grandma's a seed and she sprouted 3 days after mine and now her plant's bigger than mine, yet she only has...