What happens if i never harvest???

I do not plan on doing this but im just curious what would happen to the plant if i continued to take care of it but i just never harvested it? Would it just keep growing bigger and bigger or will it die no matter what??


bud bootlegger
marijuana is what is considered an annual plant, meaning it only has a life cycle of say x amount of months, and needs to be replanted every year if grown outdoors in it's natural environment..

when grown indoors, you can control the vegetive phase of the plant much better and can keep it in veg growth for a pretty unlimited amount of time, but once it hits flowering and the plant grows buds, it will eventual complete it's life cycle and then die..
saying that though, you can however take a plant that has flowered, leave enough green growth on it and reveg it so it grows again, but that's not the natural life cycle of an annual plant, which like i said, will only grow for x amount of time before completing it's life cycle.. :D


Well-Known Member
agreed. you can make it live forever in theory, indoors, and vegging, but once its flowering, its days are numbered.

besides, wouldnt you rather smoke it then watch it die?


bud bootlegger
I've heard of plants lasting decades outdoor, I'd think it'd be like any other similar plant, if nobody cut the buds or leaves off they'd just die during the fall/winter and sprout back up in spring

did you read any of that thread you linked padawan?? same thing i said earlier, a marijuana plant is an annual variety, meaning in it's natural state outdoors it will only live one season.. only perennials will come up year after year.. now in theory you could veg a mj plant indoors for infinity, but outdoors in nature, no way..

as far as revegging, yes you can always reveg, but it can take upwards or a month or more, and sometimes they still don't make it.. why not just cut clones as it's much easier ime.