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  1. whileilaydying

    r these autos stunted for being 9.3 weeks old

    nope, they look like size wise youre going to get a big yield for autos too because most are supposed to be that tall at harvest.
  2. whileilaydying

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    next on nat geo..... drugged high on marijuana
  3. whileilaydying

    Slow Growth

    if you think your seedlings are growing really slow at the start, get a clear dome just an inch or so taller than the plant and get a co2 emitter that costs like 2 bucks and lasts two weeks which is wayyyy longer than a seedling should take and you will shit at the difference! my first crop i...
  4. whileilaydying

    So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

    man my buds are fucking sticky, and smell skunky! mustve fucked up somewhere along the line, now ive got to throw all of this out.
  5. whileilaydying


    particle accelerator test results is what his avatar looks like.
  6. whileilaydying

    So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

    well to be honest man you dont really even ever want to touch the pistils because your oils and shit from your skin will kill them off and that will decrease resin production and stuff. im not trying to be mean i just thought it was hilarious because as you can see some people post some retarted...
  7. whileilaydying

    So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

    gotta learn from somewhere at some point of time. !
  8. whileilaydying

    So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

    hahahahahah!!!!! that is what i call fucking priceless!!
  9. whileilaydying

    So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

    lol trimming pistils?? never heard of anyone attempting that one before, its almost as bad as the kid that thought the trchomes on his plant were and infestation.
  10. whileilaydying

    I Split the Grow Tip without Cutting. Worth the Shock with Pics

    dude my plants that are in veg are always on a 24 hour light cycle so the time of light they get isnt the problem, its the fact that his plants are 2 inches away from a friggin 400 watt hps. thats the reason your getting such tight nodal spacing, and thats why your plants are looking awful, that...
  11. whileilaydying


    is the autoflower bubblelicious from nirvana really autoflower?
  12. whileilaydying

    Why are they curling and yellow

    genes, or something small, i wouldnt worry about it.
  13. whileilaydying

    Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?

    you need some stronger lights brother, youve got all that height for nothing, not dogging on you at all, but i would either bring em down some or get some stronger ones.
  14. whileilaydying

    give me a hand in which new beauty to grow!

    yea especially since i have all of them sitting in front of me just waiting to get planted, well the tga's were freebies so other than the space and a little bit of time i wont have wasted a thing, so it wont upset me too bad. lol and hey if theyre not then ive got me some pretty good looking...
  15. whileilaydying

    give me a hand in which new beauty to grow!

    alright guys ive got a setup in a dr60 which is 2x2 and is 5'6" tall. im runnin two fans with 2 150 hps lights. now right now ive got blue mystic, and ak 48. what im asking of you guys is for you to tell me which of these strains would be a great runoff of these strains. just help me out on...
  16. whileilaydying

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    dude lemme come blow with you, i know all the ancient color techs and combinations that the natives used to make decorative glass beads with and i have a feeling me and you could do some masterpieces! lol
  17. whileilaydying

    Anyone Want To Play COD: MW2 On Xbox Live Tonight?

    homefronts where its at.... agreed fdd
  18. whileilaydying

    What Did Everyone Buy From The Attitude Today?

    i bout a gas mask, got 1 dinafem auto fruit, 1 dinafem diesel, 4 tga subcool dairy queens, and 4 tga subcool chernobyl seeds as freebies, and a tshirt. pretty pumped
  19. whileilaydying

    Maybe Getting A Tattoo...

    yea forreal, thanks grandma
  20. whileilaydying

    The Effects of Tripping

    according to einstein light travels faster at the " event horizon " of a black hole. knowing this he came to the conclusion that time travel could be possible if you could get the right speed and tragectory to where you could orbit just at the edge of the event horizon long enough to not get...