Why are they curling and yellow


Well-Known Member
I have two plants growing in the same organic pre nuted medium specifically designed for marijuana growing withthe same lights and watering schedule and this has happened 30 days into veg. Why and what, please and thank you.P7060539.jpg


Well-Known Member
its a slight nutrient burn i wouldnt worry about it.if your using slow release or organic pellets i would try water as little as u can without starving your plants.the more u water the faster your fertiliser breaks down and feeds the plant.


Well-Known Member
I bet you thought you could just follow some online nutrient feeding chart and be done with it. Not quiet that easy huh. Overall your doing great. Your watching the plant and you didn't over do it. keep listening to your plant, skip a feeding, and water like normal.


Well-Known Member
I like to be enlighten on what dirt and nutrients you have used:clap: You have brown tips & brown edges with a mild droop of the leaves. It was burnt but is it still burning is the question!


Well-Known Member
The medium is an organic mixture formulated by a commercial grower. I really don't know what's in it specifically but it works for my other plant.


Well-Known Member
The medium is a pre nuted organic mixture from a commercial grower and truth be told I don't know what's in it. I've been using ph water of around 6.8 . I saw someone else s plant that looked kike it had similar problems and you diagnosed nute burn and I think your right on with mine as well thank you.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your input the consensus is nute burn so I'll back off on the watering as the medium is pre nuted. Again thank you all.