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  1. Dapps420

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Hey man Thanks for the info! I have added it to my notebook! Would you be so kind as to check out my recent thread and give me any advice or comments? Its my first grow, and its set up pretty much just like you said. But anyway take a look... Advice/Comments are always wanted!
  2. Dapps420

    ebb and grow when do i move rockwool cubes to pots w hydroton? permalink

    I just started my system as well. They are 10 days old and i translplanted them into hydroton 2 days ago when the roots were poking out the bottom, they seem to be doing great so far! Post some pictures so we can see eh?
  3. Dapps420

    Urban Farmer Ebb & Flow Grow Log

    BTW, here are all my specs, feedback is appreciated :)
  4. Dapps420

    Urban Farmer Ebb & Flow Grow Log

    Hey man! your setup looks like its doin the job. I'm kidna new to these forums and new to Hydroponics, but from what I understand, when the leaves turn up like that, it means that you are under dosing the nutrients. I read in a post that a rule of thumb is; if the leaves turn down, you are over...
  5. Dapps420

    Tom's 400 watt Growing Odyssey

    Hey man, its lookin really great! I am new to these forums, but have just started my own ebb and flow setup. I hope my girls end up as nice as yours. I'm one week in, take a look at my setup, if you have any comments I would be happy for some help! Thanks! Keep up the good work! My thread...
  6. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Oook, so I added a five inch air stone hooked up to an air pump. I also changed the solution because it was looking all cloudy form being stagnant.I have also been rotating the frozen water bottles and the temp of the water is generally between 60-75 depending on how often I change them out...
  7. Dapps420

    First Grow! God's Haze With PICS

    Hey man, I'm new to this forum, but Just wanted to say your girls look great, Good luck, Ill be watching. I just started my babies seven days ago. If you have any pointers, check out my thread and my setup and let me know! Here is my setup...
  8. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Hmm... I see, thanks for the reply! I will have to read up on the sexing aspect, I assumed it was too soon to even consider, but I see what your saying about the dead material left behind. I will also be purchasing an air pump today. Thanks again! Any other comments are always appreciated!
  9. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Oh Oh, and I forgot! I used Flora Clean to flush once, becuase I saw some crystal like stuffs on the outside of the Rockwool last week. Also is it safe to Pre-Mix Nutrient Solution and leave in gallon jugs until needed? Or should it only be mixed right before adding it to the system? What...
  10. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Sorry the Pics are a little dark, if you would like to see better ones, let me know! Thank you everyone for your knowledge, it has gotten me this far! :)
  11. Dapps420

    1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton

    Howdy! Im a newbie to hydro, as well as these forums, but have been toking for quite some time. I recently purchased an Ebb& Flow system and was looking for some advice! The plants themselves are about 3"-4", and they are about 1 week old. My setup is as follows: Lighting: 1 Sunsystem 150W...