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  1. G

    6 ft 5 tall plants!!

    Evening all, I have two plants, 1 blueberry, 1 cheese, i am unsure which is which. Any tips to make them more bushy? as they are starting to outgrow the tent they are about 4 months old I think 1 question: Something is going on on the top of the plant on one of them - any idea what...
  2. G

    Plant Stopped Growing!

    How would I go about doing this please?
  3. G

    Plant Stopped Growing!

    bongsmilieHey guys. I planted this one (aswell as another) 4 weeks ago. 1 is in the garden, but this one is under a mains 60 watt light bulb. It smells good, looks fairy good to me (first time grower and I belive it's either cheese or purple haze. The thing is, it isnt growing much. Usin Ionic...
  4. G

    Best nute for lowryder

    Hi peeps. Growing 4 lowryder plants soon, 2 in the greenhouse 2 in cupboard using soil method. Which nutes should I use and when? I'm still learnin and have read as much as possible but am still unsure. Because these are auto flowering do I need to make any adjustments? also how would I...
  5. G

    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    Don't mean to hijack could someone tell me what 20-20-20 fertilizer means please? Started my first lowryder #2 soil grow and unsure which fert. to use and how to apply it to the soil, thanks
  6. G

    Decisions decisions..

    Ok thanks alot
  7. G

    Decisions decisions..

    Yeah it's warm it's usually at an average temp of 22 degrees so it's good, so as soon as the seeds have started germinating i transfer them into 1.5 gal pot then i won't need to transfer them again?
  8. G

    Decisions decisions..

    Oh and i'm going to be using soil method not hydroponics just not sure weather i can get away with growing outside or best inside this time of year! (8 week from germinated to harvest seed)
  9. G

    Decisions decisions..

    Hey guys. New to this but seems very interesting so deffo going to give it a shot! Once i have read everything I need to know I am thinking of buying lowryder or lowryder #2 because they are meant to be the easiest for begginers and are also auto flowers.. now here's where i am stuck.. I...