Decisions decisions..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. New to this but seems very interesting so deffo going to give it a shot!

Once i have read everything I need to know I am thinking of buying lowryder or lowryder #2 because they are meant to be the easiest for begginers and are also auto flowers.. now here's where i am stuck..

I know it's late in the year for the UK weather etc but would the lowryder be ok in a 1.5gallon pot in the small greenhouse down the garden once it has sprouted and still auto flower and be ok providing i give it the right nutes + soil etc? Have tomatoes and other veges in the greenhouse atm and theyre doing OK :-)

Any help appreciated thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Oh and i'm going to be using soil method not hydroponics just not sure weather i can get away with growing outside or best inside this time of year! (8 week from germinated to harvest seed)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's warm it's usually at an average temp of 22 degrees so it's good, so as soon as the seeds have started germinating i transfer them into 1.5 gal pot then i won't need to transfer them again?


Active Member
As long as it's still warm in 10 weeks, you'll be fine. I think if you put them in a 5 L pot they should have more than enough room to spread those roots. If you plant directly into these pots you shouldnt have to transplant them.