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  1. T

    First Grow: DWC Method + LED with Jorges Diamonds #1, Lemon Skunk, & Hashplant Kush.

    Hey Johnny, The grow is still going but it has changed a bit. I am on day 12 flowering. You can see it here a few posts down...
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    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    Wow. Great thread. Lots of nice grows going on here... scribed :mrgreen: This is my very first grow and I was lucky enough to stumble onto DWC before getting started. With that said here's what I got going on: Purple Haze #1, Lemon Skunk, Red Dragon, and Hashplant Kush in 5-gallon buckets that...
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Cool man, nice grow. Got some ideas now, will do a little more checking into LST and see if I can get in there and do something in the a.m. :)
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Awesome. I hope you're right my friend. :) Happy Tokin!~
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Ok, so I have 190 ft. of Twine... That won't work? Will get wire if the twine will not work out. Thanks for the reply.
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Ok cool. I guess I need to check into that! Was under the impression it was just for vegging... :) Thanks!
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    Automatic Flowering

    Whynot? I've seen some auto strains talking about a zip to a zip and a half per plant!
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Man.. that would be great if I could pull 2 zips per plant on these 3 girls. I would be really happy for my first grow. I also have 2 more smaller plants going which is another Hashplant Kush and a Red Dragon plant. They are maybe 14-15" tall though right now... Purple Haze #1 is supposed to...
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Thanks brother. I am trying to keep my lights no more than 8-12" away.. and have been trying to keep them more like 4-6" away but I burned one of my leafs on Hashplant Kush so I raised it up about 4". I just thought I'd get more bud off these big trees.
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    I am anticipating the plants to reach 6ft. tall and I only have 8ft. ceilings. Maybe they won't get that big. I don't know, but I thought I read somewhere that you can expect to triple the size of the plant when flowering. These things were at least 2 ft. tall before entering flower stage. If...
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Started these around Feb. 20th or so and I'm on day 12 flowering now. So... Vegged them for about 7 weeks or so I guess. They were vegged under a 90 watt ufo 5 band L.E.D. and 4-26w cfls for nearly the entire veg. I did put the hashplant kush and purple haze #1 under 400 MH for a week or so...
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Some of the bottom leafs are turning yellow and falling off but other than that they all seem pretty green looking to me. I was thinking or hoping rather that I might be able to pull up to 2 zips per plant off the two larger plants. So, is a zip per plant about the avg. for newbies? I must be...
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    Should I use nutes?

    I have heard to wait about 3 weeks before adding nutes...
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Sorry for the newb question, but I am a newb. Also, just really looking for a ballpark figure... I understand you cannot predict my yield as there are a ton of variables. However, with another 6 weeks or so to go... how much may these girls produce in your opinion?
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    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Hello everyone... I am trying to estimate what I may yield dry weight off of my 3 main plants flowering which are Purple Haze #1, Lemon Skunk, and Hashplant Kush. This is my very first grow but I think I am doing ok so far. I am flowering under a 400 hps and a 250 hps right beside it hovering...
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    Oasis cube = problems?

    I'm a newbie and on my first grow but... I have been cloning for a couple of weeks now... I started out using Oasis cubes and noticed several of my cuttings died because the cubes dried out too fast! Even in my dome they dried out really fast if I am not in there spraying them several times a...
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    1st attempt cloning, not having much success...

    Thanks guys. I will try to keep em moist and try without the heat mat if I can't get it going.
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    1st attempt cloning, not having much success...

    Hello everyone. I am having a bit of a problem so far with my cloning process. This is my first attempt at cloning and so far they keep dying/drying out. I have a dome and a heat mat and am using oasis cubes which seem to dry out awfully fast and my clones fall over. I am not supposed to let...
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    correct ph tablets..... and problems reading this ph chart from ph strips

    i have been using ph tablets from your local pets department and they seem to work well and puts the water at a safe ph levels for plants or fish!!!!!!!! levels should come out to be right at 7.0 or lower depending on how many tablets you use. there really cheap !!!!