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  1. T

    Seedling to roots in water... Howlong?

    I can't even see them coming through yet... One plant is probably not gonna make it, had some high heat(93 degrees) in my box and I am guessing it heat stressed one of my babies. The other 2 are looking good but still no root action going on yet..
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    Seedling to roots in water... Howlong?

    Good point. Let's say 1 inch below the netpot as that's about where my water level is currently.
  3. T

    Whats a good site 4 seed???

    I have had good results with
  4. T

    Heat. How much is too much?

    It's a 4 inch can filter. I can't locate the cfm rating on it... I am thinking I may just rig up an exhaust on the closet ceiling instead of the box itself since I am planning another box on other side soon. Maybe just get a large can combo...
  5. T

    Overwatering or underwatering??

    Looks like heat may be the culprit. :( 93 degrees in the box earlier.
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    Heat. How much is too much?

    Yeah I think I'm going to need to find a fan that will pull the kind of airflow I need for the exhaust and somehow rig it up to my carbon filter.
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    Heat. How much is too much?

    Update: I took off the 4 inch inline fan which was pulling air(if you wanna call it that) out of the box into my carbon filter. The fan is just not enough, I can barely feel it pulling air out when it's on. It reminds me of a computer fan as far as the cfm goes. So, that's a lesson learned there...
  8. T

    Heat. How much is too much?

    I've been getting temps of 92-93 degrees in my box when it is closed up and everything on. Is this too much heat? I've got a 6" fan blowing inside and a 4" fan pulling air out of the box. I'm running 4 13-watt cfs and a 90watt ufo, yet my box stays in the 90s if closed.
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    Overwatering or underwatering??

    Looks like it was over watering. I watered it again and now it looks dead.
  10. T

    Choosing Between ProSource 180 LED and the Spectra LED 180w

    Nice, thx for sharing. I enjoyed checking out your grow and the results. You say you are planning to upgrade to the 126w? From the 180w?
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    3 Jacks & a Queen in the Fridge

    Awesome pics man, nice grow.
  12. T

    Overwatering or underwatering??

    Let me add to the equation a bit... The same RO water in the same sprayer was used to spray 6 other plants that are in soil under a different light and they all look fine so far....
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    Overwatering or underwatering??

    Yeah I'm using just plain RO water with no nutes. I have been filling up my spray bottle with the RO water and just misting the plants a few times daily... I was thinking since I was just using RO water without nutes I didn't have to PH the water... And the roots aren't in the water res yet.
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    Overwatering or underwatering??

    I have searched but cannot find my answer. I have one seedling that the tips of the leaves are brown and it just looks like it's in bad shape all the sudden. I have 2 others beside it that look ok... I have just been spraying them as they are sitting in 5 gallon dwc buckets and the roots aren't...
  15. T

    Plants have narrow stems and need support

    I had something similar going on and was told to just replant it down to the first set of leaves. Worked out great. Mine was from not enough light and too high up which caused the stretching I suppose.
  16. T

    led ?

    I've seen a good grow with the ProSource 180w LED.
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    Choosing Between ProSource 180 LED and the Spectra LED 180w

    Cool, I have a ProSource 90watt 5 band ufo and it seems pretty good so far. Only complaint would be coverage area of light. But, it's a small light so what do I expect... I need 2 of them for my box really, but @$350 a pop... The other company gives a 5 year warranty I believe and their 180w I...
  18. T

    Seedling to roots in water... Howlong?

    Hi all... I was wondering how long it could take for my roots to reach the water. I took 3 seedlings and put them in 5 gallon buckets about a week ago and have been spraying them a few times a day. The seedlings are in mesh buckets in hydroton rocks and the water level is 1 inch or less from...
  19. T

    Irish Boys GLH 600w led grow

    Nice grow Irish. I read your ProSource 180 vs 126w also and am looking at a 180 currently. Can't wait to see how this 600 does. Subscribed.