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  1. gazza89

    Same crop , different harvest times?

    I have a large de-humidifier in the room itself and the room stays probably around 20-25 degrees, can easily get a couple of fans if needed
  2. gazza89

    Same crop , different harvest times?

    Hi man , thanks for the reply , just worried about smell , trying to keep it as discreet as possible so wanted to hang all the plants in the same tent , but not sure if that's going to be possible. I could hang them just outside the tent in the same room with the door closed, do you think that...
  3. gazza89

    Same crop , different harvest times?

    Hi everyone , First grow and i'm starting to get some nice buds form now on my plants. The problem is that some seem alot more developed than others for some reason (growing autos) My question is having limited space and only one tent , how can i harvest while leaving the other plants to grow...
  4. gazza89

    Update + humidity advice!

    cheers guys , yeah my de-huey is keeping the outside at around 40-45 , and inside is hovering at about 60 i guess if i have enough fans inside it should stop the bud rot?
  5. gazza89

    Update + humidity advice!

    Yeah gotcha , problem is i literally have no space inside the tent for the de-humidifier :'( (oops) so is there a different way to reduce it?
  6. gazza89

    Update + humidity advice!

    Hi again everyone! My girls are looking huge! (a bit too big) they are lsd-25 autos I have a large de-humidifier outside the tent and can only get my humidity down to around 60% I also have 2 6 inch clip on fans and a 12 inch oscillating fan on thew floor, would this be enough to prevent bud...
  7. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Yeah defo none of those, i hada good check almost to the bottom and nothing XD
  8. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Yeah I heard about them little buggers, luckily i'm doing an indoor grow so that's helping with pests, and i did check the coco and surrounding area with a microscope and couldn't see any pests.
  9. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Yeah it does look like something chewed it , but it's strange how it's just one plant in such a sealed 4x4 tent , there's 7 others that were untouched and no signs of mice/rats , like droppings and stuff. for now i'll be a bit more careful with watering and try not to wet the stem and see if it...
  10. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Yeah there is a cheap one on ebay for like just over £20 wonder if it would be any good. and yeah i do leave my water for a day in open buckets for the chlorine to dissipate, then water with a jug, but i clean usually after every watering.
  11. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Cheers Tim , you've put my mind at ease a little. I'll be keeping a hawkeye on these plants. ^-^
  12. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Don't have an EC meter sadly as i've run out of funds, but yeah i'll dial back the watering and keep testing the ph of the runoff. just tested that plants runoff and it was 6.7 , something else to look into.
  13. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Wow actually , remembered i didn't collect the runoff from the dead plant's pot so tested it and my ph is 6.7! i'm guessing that's not helping at all, would that cause the plant to die like that?
  14. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Yeah i've gave her a proper burial and taken the pot out of the tent, yeah they are all on separate trays. only tested runoff twice , but both times it was almost the same as the water i put into it, will check next feed. hoping it was just a one off, worried about my grow now.
  15. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    Not particularly the stem is still fairly green and hardly looks rotted at all, it seemed pretty stiff, PH is between 5.8-6.2, humidity ranges from 40-70%, temperatures are roughly 25 decrees centigrade. I am unsure on root zone temps. But yeah the surface is only beggining to dry the next...
  16. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    At first i was watering my coco like every 3 - 4 days waiting for the top to get dry then re watering, the past couple of days i now water every day because I was told to in coco as it's basically a hydro medium.
  17. gazza89

    Plant just came off at soil line?

    I'm a bit upset. one of my girls came completely off, I only barely touched her as i was watering and she fell over. It looks like the base of the stem was weak or even eaten slightly? but i can't see any pests on the plant or coco? i'm so confused and hope it won't spread to my other plants...
  18. gazza89

    Leaves distorted and pale colour on some leaves.

    It's next on my list, Just a bit skint at the moment until my first crop comes through, the setup cost me a fair bit :oops: Can anyone recommend a good EC reader that's cheap? that bluelab one it like £80 :spew:
  19. gazza89

    Leaves distorted and pale colour on some leaves.

    Hi guys thanks for the input, I'm probably just gunna put it down to the strain. they did look very pale and weak when they germinated so could just be bad genetics. keeping my PH between 5.8 - 6.2 and just a 1/4 strength nutrient solution Added a couple of new photo's of the girls , they are...