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  1. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    Thanks guys, think i will try it. like you say if i smell burning boot it out the window :fire:
  2. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    this seems like it would do the trick actually! What do you guys think , quite cheap too
  3. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    Maybe i'm just a worrier, but don't wanna blow my machine or start a fire by using the incorrect voltage and stuff for the washer. so if you wanna add something useful to the conversation please do.
  4. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    Does that mean it will be safe with just a normal UK adapter because it's rated washing input power is 240w? So crap at this kind of stuff
  5. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    I was thinking that, but don't know enough about electricity to know if it would be safe , because the adaptors say only for use with small appliances. :l But just looked at the back of the washer and it has a label , 2 secs i'll get a pic
  6. gazza89

    A proper us to uk plug converter?

    Hi guys, just purchased a bubblbagdude bubble hash machine, but it's obviously came with a US 3 pronged plug, is there a safe way to convert this to a uk plug , because the adaptors I've seen only have small wattage and are used for things like phones and stuff and UK plugs operate on a...
  7. gazza89

    Light schedule question, 20/4 vs 18/6

    My grow was 24hr light , never had any problems
  8. gazza89

    Seedlings twisted and curling

    cheers man , yeah i'll see how they go <3 much love
  9. gazza89

    Seedlings twisted and curling

    the lights are about 100cm away from the plants so i didn't think it would be that, but i've now just flipped off the bloom switch on them so they are only giving off mostly blue light, i'll see if that helps i guess.
  10. gazza89

    Seedlings twisted and curling

    Hi there, second grow and just wondering what you guys think this is and if it's even a problem. Plants are still growing so not stunted. PhD water to 6 roughly. Canna coco plus with clay pebbles top and bottom. 2 x 600w vipaspectre led's. 4ml rhizotonic per litre 1ml canna a + b per litre...
  11. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Sorry guys , seemed to open up a can of worms , just to sum it up , i've learned not to call it flushing and call it leaching (hopefully that will in the future keep things from getting escalated) <3 But much love to everyone anyway and each to their own.
  12. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Not sure of PPM , need to invest in a stick. :'(
  13. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Feed every watering, at half strength nutes because it's an autoflower (and i hear they are more sensitive)
  14. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Ok thanks, i'll start doing that straight away then!
  15. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Forgot to mention i'm in coco, not sure how much of a difference that makes, obviously i know there's hardly anything in coco normally though.
  16. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Yeah sorry , i though flushing and leaching were the same thing , my bad , so is leaching actually a thing then or is that still bad to do before harvest?
  17. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    I don't plan on curing for long to be honest , once chopped and dried i'll be selling it all pretty much straight away.
  18. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    oooooh i see , sorry then i am misinformed , yeah i should of said leeching then i guess, sorry about that!
  19. gazza89

    Almost ready to start flush?

    Well i wouldn't say wasting water, i'm giving them the same amount of water just without any nutrients. I do agree it's all personal, but all i wanted on this thread was to know if to start flushing , not whether i should or not. I appreciate your input but i will be flushing regardless as to me...