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  1. GrowinthaBudz

    CFL Harvest! Check out PICS

    Looks good. I think about a half ounce
  2. GrowinthaBudz

    Auto GWS day 50 flower. The final 10 days

    Looking good man. Let us know the dry weight when there ready
  3. GrowinthaBudz

    La women time

    Id say 2 weeks left so start flushing them with water
  4. GrowinthaBudz

    Serious Seeds "White Russian" Day 63 - Pics!

    Looking Good! What's the dry weight?
  5. GrowinthaBudz

    Just cut my plant.

    it would have been a good idea to to trim the leaves off first. im guessing its your first grow, if its not you need a lot of practice
  6. GrowinthaBudz

    Plant looks like its dying in flowering stage

    try stopping the nutes and give them water for a while and the leaves turning yellow is either lack of nutes or nute burn
  7. GrowinthaBudz

    Almost ready to chop??

    Id leave it for 1 more week max
  8. GrowinthaBudz

    my email address is [email protected] send me some pics

    my email address is [email protected] send me some pics
  9. GrowinthaBudz

    where's your pics? You havnt got any on cause your shits weak bitch!

    where's your pics? You havnt got any on cause your shits weak bitch!
  10. GrowinthaBudz

    Do you have to have nutrients

    6 32 watt cf tubes and it seems to work for me
  11. GrowinthaBudz

    Do you have to have nutrients

    me you fool ive just said that you can get a good yield with no nutes. My last grow NO NUTES!
  12. GrowinthaBudz

    Do you have to have nutrients

    no problem glad to help
  13. GrowinthaBudz

    Do you have to have nutrients

    Ive never used any nutes for any of my grows so you dont have to use them and it does work well.
  14. GrowinthaBudz

    Do you have to have nutrients

    i havnt used any nutes upto now. 3 weeks left till harvest
  15. GrowinthaBudz

    repotting in flower?

    GrizzlyAdams - The reason i asked if he had any pics was so i could see the size of the plant to the pot to see if it did need transplanting. Dick head
  16. GrowinthaBudz

    repotting in flower?

    it wouldnt really make that much difference so i wouldnt bother. have you got any pics of them now in their pots?
  17. GrowinthaBudz

    I want to harvest

    To be honest im not sure i only use cuttings soz
  18. GrowinthaBudz

    I want to harvest

    yeah for seeds keep it goin
  19. GrowinthaBudz

    I want to harvest

    When you chop them down can you stick some pics of the yield on?
  20. GrowinthaBudz

    I want to harvest

    I wouldnt bother, let it dry out by its self so it preserves all that tasty goodness