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  1. GrowinthaBudz

    Led Users Unite!

    In any part of my post did i say 'it'll never work'. Dont think i did :finger:
  2. GrowinthaBudz

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flowering

    I cut most of the fan leaves off in flowering stage and the bottom buds end up the same size as the upper ones.
  3. GrowinthaBudz

    Quality of weed grown with fluorescent lights?

    What was the dry weight?
  4. GrowinthaBudz

    Need Advice '250 Watt HPS'

    i agree LED's are a waste of time and money.
  5. GrowinthaBudz

    Need Advice '250 Watt HPS'

    I didn't mean 3oz per plant, i ment 3oz in total
  6. GrowinthaBudz

    Need Advice '250 Watt HPS'

    il be happy with 2-3oz
  7. GrowinthaBudz

    4-day bud dryer

    I agree, my buds only take 3-4 days to dry. To me this machine seems like a waste of time and money.
  8. GrowinthaBudz

    whacked 3 plants today

    Nice! what lighting and nutes did you use?
  9. GrowinthaBudz

    File Cabinet Grow Project - Build Phase - First Timer..

    how many plants are you having in there and what strain? what lighting? what nutes are you going to use?
  10. GrowinthaBudz

    Himalayan Gold HARVESTED with PICTURES

    whats the total dry weight?
  11. GrowinthaBudz

    CFL growing weird. help?

    water them till it comes through the holes at the bottom
  12. GrowinthaBudz

    no nutrients?

    Vitalink is cheap and works well for me. Its £10 which is about $15
  13. GrowinthaBudz

    Led Users Unite!

    The reason they put the price up is because they know there going to sell. It makes a lot of sence
  14. GrowinthaBudz

    Led Users Unite!

    If your not bothered about a big yield you could just use CFL's with are a lot cheaper than LED's
  15. GrowinthaBudz

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    let us know the dry weight of those babies!
  16. GrowinthaBudz

    Led Users Unite!

    LED's are a waste of time there shit