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  1. Z

    Odd issue need help

    The leaves I tucked to the side but hopefully u can see
  2. Z

    Odd issue need help

    New growth is twisted and weird looking ... I had a calcium deficiency but seem to have fixed it as the plants are starting to grow normally again, but what is up with these leaves
  3. Z

    Quick help

    So I had a calcium deficiency (I’m pretty sure) been doing the steps to fix it started about 4-5 days ago, plant is definitely picking up its grow speed again I can already tell but my question is, leaves were affected and have blemishes some more major than others . I know leaves don’t heal but...
  4. Z

    Everyone please help..

    pic of plants
  5. Z

    Everyone please help..

    Also it’s an auto flower but could I get rid of badly affected leaves ? Thanks a bunch for the help
  6. Z

    Everyone please help..

    Yes I know that much man, I mean like when will it be growing normally because I feel that it’s been very slow..
  7. Z

    Everyone please help..

    I have started adding cal mag about 2 days ago.. when would I see results of it going away ?
  8. Z

    Everyone please help..

    So my plant isn’t ruined ? And you can overwater coco? I water once a day roughly
  9. Z

    Everyone please help..

    I have 6 plants (all auto) all of them have one type or a few of these symptoms... what tf could it be
  10. Z


    Everything you just said is what I plan on doing so it’s good I’m on the right track, thanks bro will definitely give an update
  11. Z


    I definitely think it was a nutrient issue.. I was using flora series and I don’t think I was providing enough makes sense.. here’s the other thing I DID NOT buffer my coco does that mean they’re doomed all together ?
  12. Z


    yes I did pick up some epsom salt as someone else gave me that suggestion.. the maxibloom already has calcium and magnesium in it so I’m gonna do a few feed with just the maxi bloom and see how the plants do.. if I see no improvement I will add a cal mag supplement thanks bro
  13. Z


    Here’s a pic with the light off
  14. Z


    Was using flora series gh, literally switched yesterday to maxibloom.. I’m using the kiss method 7 grams per gallon of tap water.. I water every feeding I feed 1-2 times a day yes they are planted in coco light is a LED Mars hydro 600wat grow light
  15. Z


    Got six autoflower plants, 2 of them in 2 gallon smart pots and the other 4 in one gallon smart pots, all the ones in the one gallon pots are experiencing some type of issues, as I am new and just switched nutrients im gonna get the nutrients aspect down first but is it possible that...
  16. Z

    Quick question

    Okay what I needed to know getting some today then
  17. Z

    Quick question

    Is vinegar okay to use as a PH down? I ran out of ph down and been very busy.. heard vinegar will take ph down which it infact does and I have been using it for quite a few feedings I can go a couple towns over today and get some ph down but if vinegar is 100% okay then I will just keep using...
  18. Z

    Quick beginner coco help

    These are autos... First time in coco so I’m still figuring out water schedules, nutrients, and things like that do my plants look okay ? Other than a few blemishes on a few plants from a previous mess up which I think I’m fixing.. but someone said my plants too green could it be true?
  19. Z


    Trust me man.. I’m in the same boat.. switching to super soil again after this grow for sure !!
  20. Z

    Question about LST

    Will check it