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  1. B

    Myth busters

    Sorry HOHO but if you're coming to a mj forum looking for politically correct people, you will probably find many more frustrations than someone using the word retard. Sorry if you don't like the word, don't use it youself either. When other's do however, get over it. It's just a word.
  2. B

    Myth busters

    that couldn't be further from the truth. A hot spot is a wrinkle in the reflective material causing a convex shape that focuses the light. It is no different than using a magnifying glass to burn wood. Common sense dictates using a ventilation system of some can you get hot "air...
  3. B

    Pot Sizes..

    Truth is...plant small...let it get slightly root bound...plant slightly bigger. Before you hit the 3 to 5 gal mark, you should've transplanted 2 or 3 times for maximum growth. Don't listen to the kids around here....look it up for yourself.
  4. B

    Mushroom found in plant

    OMG! Mushrooms in my plants! I don't understand it!?!?! I've only been feeding my plans shit! You ever consider the shrooms came from the compost? And to let them dry before you eat them? it's not like mushrooms are going to hurt your plants......just shows your medium is full of shit!
  5. B

    please help

    did you even TRY to search for a 3.5 fan? EVERY computer site/shop/local dealer carries them....even Circuit City/Best Buy if you are in the states.
  6. B

    Humidity !!!

    wow....sorry. I'm guessing from that post you're in about 7th grade English...and you've failed about 4 times so far.... I'm not sure I understood your post...but I think you said: no...I have not looked but I'm looking now.
  7. B

    Weird baby light from hospital + HPS???

    every good incubator light has the potential to blind babies! That's why they use them. Your kid's fine..but he's blind due to the lights we used in the incubator! Dude are you for real? You seriously think they use UV lights in an incubator?
  8. B

    Humidity !!!

    did you try searching for the answer or did you just post?
  9. B

    too many kids...

    Shame really...there's some really good info on this site. A majority of the info is cut and paste from other sites, but there's a great deal of people willing to help...but then there's a great deal of kids who only quote what they've read. A lot of room for progress. The site has the traffic...
  10. B

    Which strain should I decide to grow if I want something thats a "one hitta quitta"?

    so did your previous posts... doubting you're looking for quality for med reasons tho...
  11. B

    First grow... About 3 weeks. aeroponics.. how does it look?

    actually looks pretty good...might want to stretch it a bit now.
  12. B

    How should I grow my marijuana?

    look around much? there's a ton of info on "what to do" or are you looking more for a DO part A..DO part B...DO part C type of theory? When they could've seen a pic on the web as to what was wrong with them!
  13. B

    piss for N?

    piss is sterile at first. It's almost 80% nitrogen. The problem is it's quickly infected. Mixed 1 part piss to 10 parts clean water, it's an excellent fert....but that also depends on the time of day. When you first wake're full of piss..but full of amino acids and salt...those are...
  14. B

    Myth busters

    there's actually a chemically reason it may work....but from your's obvious you don't understand why.
  15. B

    Tons of white hairs, not a lot of trichs, is that bad?

    Hey retard...I didn't quote BadDog40....
  16. B

    Can Low Humidity Cause Nute Lockout?

    you'd need a temp way too low to get a humidity that's too then I don't think humidity would be your issue...
  17. B

    dwc cant find it in faq could u point me in right direction

    makes your post all that much more valuable huh?
  18. B

    What strains have the largest buds??

    what does size have to do with it other than resell value? Bigger bud doesn't mean more thc... Sorry...sounds too much like a dealer question.
  19. B

    Myth busters

    I wasn't being an ass honestly...I was being point blank. If you were seriously looking for experienced were at the wrong site. If you were looking for fun and flames....well that's what's in this thread. The fun was the BS "myths" with a ton of inexperienced answers....the flames...