Weird baby light from hospital + HPS???


New Member
hey im new to growin tree, but ive done some reading and suppose i half way know what i'm doing, i sexed my plants and they're 50+ days old. I have 6 females growing under a 400 watt hps bulb with ballast and what not in a 3 1/2 x 2 foot space with extraction fan. the tops of the tallest plants are level with the reflector, and i am pinching 2 of them regularly on the axial stem to halt upward growth. i also had to top one, a sativa i think.. im using a product called ''monty's grow juice'' bloom formula regularly to fertilize my babies... anyway my buddy got this weird baby light from a hospital. it's from a baby incubator or somethin, like if your baby is yellow or somethin. it has 8 20 watt flourescent tubes with ballast and emits like a pure blue light spectrum tha hurts your eyes if you look at it too long. i plan on using this with my hps. will this irradiate me and my plants? or will they get all crunk? does anyone know when i can expect buds? the light has a note to ''wrap baby's head with bandage before turning on light''....... lol.. ANY ADVICE ON ANYTHING WILL BE GREATLY APPRICIATED. PEACENESS>


Well-Known Member
well it will prob just throw some blue spectrum on them shouldnt hurt at all might stiumlate more growth but prob way better for veg


Well-Known Member
Not likely to help much against a 400 hps, the hps is so much stronger you probably wouldn't notice a difference in yield but it can't hurt either if you don't mind potentially wasting the power to test it for a grow.

Not radioactive or anything just hard on your eyes like any bright light.


Active Member
every good incubator light has the potential to blind babies! That's why they use them. Your kid's fine..but he's blind due to the lights we used in the incubator!

Dude are you for real? You seriously think they use UV lights in an incubator?


New Member
there is new growth where the pre flowers are. like offshoots with 3 finger leaves coming out of the internodes. pistils are sticking out like an inch. Will the one plant i topped grow all fucked up? it has big ass 6 inch leaves so i think it's cool.