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  1. T

    Harvested today! im so happpy!!!~~!!!

    No pics=no Harvest!
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    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

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    Torrey's Journal

    Weekly Updates!!! Good day today, finally confirmed my Jack Herer is a Female and I now have 4 clones off her going in the cloner. Started killing off clones of the weaker BB phenos and I think I'm going to ax the Power Skunk as well, way to leggy and airy for my tastes also worried how...
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    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Subscribed, I didn't realize you were also doing the fungis! You should check out my journal, I'm 2 systems deep into my Stinkbud designed some monsters and a couple power skunks to boot.
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    DirtHawkers first indoor aero/nft "stinkbud design" medical grow

    Have you thought about adding a fourth system? Thats kinda what I am thinking about doing also adds another 5 harvests a year. I was going to do 4 lights, 1 for each system and some nice Mylar work. I'm just adding my 2nd ballast this week and the 3rd light, I'll add the 4th light after the...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Rep, did you grow those power skunks too finish? I have 2 flowering now and the buds are sparse! I have 2 clones from them but unless the smoke is unbelievable I think I;m just gonna toss those for some more Jack herer clones, doubt the PS is better than JH!
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    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Dude Stinkbud is in Oregon!
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    DirtHawkers first indoor aero/nft "stinkbud design" medical grow

    I think the Gringo's advice is best, use plant markers you can put into the netpot, that way nothing can happen! Otherwise I would say its just a guessing game, just have to try and remember where you had stuff and what they looked like as babies!
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Ha, that was just unintentional overvegging from seed! Her sisters stems are half as thick, needless to say I have decided to take that specimen as my main phenotype. My next batch went in at 6-12" since I was now starting from clones. Also followed stinkbud's advice and switched out my...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Here is the stem to the beast... You definately dont want to let them get this big!
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    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    Looks like a nice setup!
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    Torrey's Journal

    Thats it for this week stay tuned you never know what might happen! 2 weeks away from the 3rd system and 3rd light, 5 weeks to first harvest!
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    Torrey's Journal

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    Torrey's Journal

    Well, had a few glitches today, during the night a tie broke that was holding my biggest plants main stem down and safe from the light, long story short by the time I rescued it, the tip top was pretty dried up, time will tell if it can heal itself. Also had a blockage in the post with the 3...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Under normal conditions yes, but the 3 plants on that side happen to all be overly large and one in particular is a mammoth, I think this would be the only reason to go with 5" posts. But I wont have the same problem again, the new plants all go in at about 8-12" much easier to handle that...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Well, the copper is out, cut a piece of 1/2" pvc and managed to get that in the post through a non used netpot hole.
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    Torrey's Journal

    Sorry for the lack of pics, I'm in the process of moving everything onto RIU but man is it slow!
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yeah I thought about it, but I also thought since its used for drinking water it must be safe?
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Wow, I had quite the little glitch this morning. I went in my flower room to check on things and noticed that one of the units had started leaking and after further investigation I found that there was so much root mass from my giant plant that it had stopped the drainage and effectivly damned...
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    Electrical and safety

    Ha, a whole house for stinks setup? Sounds like overkill, you could accomplish this grow in a spare bedroom, unless you are planning on doubling stinks design then you would need 2!