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  1. T

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I've put a lot of thought into adding a 4th system and my best conclusion for having 4 would be to have 2 flower units on the same schedule so you would end up with a double harvest every 9 weeks. I then decided it may be easier to just make the unites each 5-6 holes bigger. Adding 6 holes...
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    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    I hear that! I'm on a 2-3 year plan myself, sometimes you have to get creative when starting a new business:bigjoint:
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    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    I agree, the "elite" membership is not as advertised! Ohwell, I learned so much from the site that its worth it to help them out.:weed:
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    Jack horror seeds???

    I think Jock Horror is a knock off of Jack Herrer produced by Nirvana, I would go with the real deal if it was me....
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    Has anybody grown blueberry from dutch passion?

    Cool, I just started the flush, I figure for as long as I vegged them that at 6 weeks in flower they should be finishing up at about 8-9 weeks. I'll update on taste and effects in a month! If you are curious my journal is in my sig and should be updated in a day or 2.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yeah smaller is better, I think the sweet spot for this system is between 8"-12", with 12 even pushing the limits! I'm amazed at how fast these babies grow! That aside, my clones are usually only 3-5 inches when I put them into veg so that would be small.
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    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Ditto, aim high! No pun inteneded:mrgreen: You never know what you can achieve until you try.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I think what rep was saying is that the plants ended up much smaller, therefore the yield was not as large. Could be wrong but thats what i took from itbongsmilie
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    Has anybody grown blueberry from dutch passion?

    Curious how long you flowered for, I'm just finishing up week 6 of my first batch!
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    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    A vertical Stinkbud design...that would be brilliant! My plants are thriving with stinks system, making it more space efficient would be coup de grat:mrgreen:
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    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Ha, calipers I love it!
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    Torrey's Journal

    Hahaha, way too long! They were about 18-24"s when I put them into 12/12 as I waited for them to show their preflowers. I have 2 more monsters in the second batch but most were 12" or under and in the 3rd batch that starts this week they will all be under 12" It's truly amazing how fast these...
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    Attitude Power Skunk

    I have 2 flowering that are airy tiny little buds and hard to manage the growth, height. Definetly wont be putting the clone I have into flower, just doesn't look like they will yield much and looks like a 12 week finish to me and I'm on a 9 week schedule!:bigjoint:
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    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Looks good dude, why do you think its necesary for the double sprayer system? I've grossly over vegged my first unit and I dont have any real problems! I get over engineering like nautical and airplane applications but this just weed man!:bigjoint: Looks good though and excited to see how it...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I agree, I'm amazed at how much you can bend stems around! However, I just did an experiment with my G-13 Power Skunks and went ahead and chopped off tops that were growing into the ceiling and stealing light from my Blueberries. I don't care about the Power Skunks since they were free and...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Another simple solution to that problem is to use a long piece of clear vinyl hose and attach that to the pvc just over the top of the resivor, thats what I decided to do with my setup, I had extra hose laying around and it made it easy to hookup and unhook the pump from the pvc system.
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    obama LEGALIZING

    I wouldn't be so sure he wont get a second term the biggest moron in history got 2 terms to wreck the country!
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I finally went and bought a hose to aid in the emptying and filling! Thats the only hard part of the system so if thats as bad as it gets I'm golden! Well aside from controlling the enormous growth!
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    NEWS: DEA will now be part of the National Security Council

    I agree with that line of their role while slowly letting the war end.
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    Absorb your profits

    Curious what your suggeested methods are then! Most people just start a business, but you seem to be knowledgable so spread the wealth:bigjoint: