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  1. G

    400w MH warehouse light?

    my question is if i buy a mh bulb for growing can i use a ware house light fixture? its a 400W with ballast. can i do it? thnx all happy smokin.
  2. G

    i just sampled first plant!

    thnx greendude congrats to you too!
  3. G

    need some help all leaves are dead!

    ok thnx for comments unfortenitly i cant put up pics but mine are worse than the one in those pics, but looks like the same prob. also it started yellowing about a week before flower. thnx again.
  4. G

    need some help all leaves are dead!

    All of my leaves are dying,it started with the largest fan leaves and is now down to the little leaves sticking out of the buds.oh im 50 days flowering by the way. what im really wondering is will it make it till finish or are my buds going to get die or some thing please help me out its my...
  5. G

    i just sampled first plant!

    i only removed a very small bud from the bottom.
  6. G

    i just sampled first plant!

    lol thnx alot. peace
  7. G

    I had to harvest early

    since when are high people so angry? as for ur Q? i just like a half hr ago sampled my 48 day old bairly even dried it and it got me pretty damn high. so you should be fine. mine was just bags seed also, oh its my very first plant too so im a little exited lol peace.
  8. G

    i just sampled first plant!

    ahh..... i finally sampled her she is 48 days from pistle's showing. there is really no point to this post i was just exited to finally some her. and yes it got me high. its just some bag seed but im happy! happy smokin all!:shock:
  9. G

    Foxfarn ocean soil Q??

    thnx for comments any other thoughts? any1. peace
  10. G

    Foxfarn ocean soil Q??

    So im ive started my 2nd grow its bout time to transplant and im thinkin im gonna use FF ocean soil do i need to add any perilite?? or any thing? thnx, Happy smokin all!
  11. G

    So all the pros out there..How do my plants look,...opinions please first timer!!

    they look pretty healthy, a little stretched. how old are they? and how close are ur lights?
  12. G

    an oz a plant

    yes it is possible looks like you might get 1-2 O's
  13. G

    I Sort Of Have A Dilema Here....

    you gotta have a closet you could use maybe in ur bed room or some thing just install a dead bolt on it maybe put exterior locking knob on ur BR door too. but bad idea about the abandoned house your shit will be gone way before you would finish ur first grow. some will forsure find it whether...
  14. G

    Dank CFL grow pics

    she looks a little droopy. when you say dank CLF grow i was expecting some big ass buds lol
  15. G

    Is this bad?

    thnx for for advice very much appreciated. what would you guys recomend i use for N boost?
  16. G

    air from furnace?

    ok thnx as far as it getting too hot its cold here right now so i actually realy need the heat or it will be around 50-60. any other thoughts?
  17. G

    Is this bad?

    thats kinda what i was thinkin.:roll:
  18. G

    air from furnace?

    i have a small flowering room about 2'x7' and i have a air vent in there. I was wondering if the air from the furnace would be considered "fresh" air. The closet is in my basement and i dont have any other source of fresh air. whatcha all think? thnx much,happy smokin!
  19. G

    Is this bad?

    i dont know the strain just bag seed.No im not flushing yet either. i was only going to take off dead leaves, the ones that will just fall of with a very light pull is this ok? thnx for comments all.