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  1. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    Hey guys, Its 8 days into the 12/12 cycle and I think the sex is starting to show on my plants.... I have been staring at the plants, and comparing pics online for the last 2 days, but i still cant tell if these are male or female. I fear my indica is male :*( - i took such care and love, and...
  2. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Thanks so much guys! finally figured it out after the suggestion about the light. Went to the room, stared at plants for 5 mins, lit up a :joint: and it suddenly made sense! Mylar was crimpling and denting with the fan causing heat spots to reflect on the leaves. Took mylar down, put the fan...
  3. farmermonkey

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    Almost same prob man. Using the sensi grow combo..... but im begining to think it may be a bit harsh.... anyway, weird question.... How close is your light (and wattage) and are you using any reflective material - mylar etc. It kind of looks like light burn caused by heat spots. If the mylar...
  4. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Thanks bud, gonna go do that right now. is worth a shot
  5. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    :confused: Ok so its been over 24 hours since I flushed the plants and all that, and it seemed to be getting better, but now i'm not sure. The indica is much much worse than the sativas (not even sure they have the same problem). Took some more pics - higher res pics. thought it might make...
  6. farmermonkey

    90+ degrees and cant help it

    Same problem here man. Location and temp outside will make it near impossible for me to keep the temp below 90 in the summer. Im guessing as long as you keep the air flow from the fans through the leaves, supplement with some CO2 and keep humidity relatively high (not too high, just to prevent...
  7. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    yeah i know, I have the makeshift CO2 going on (simple soda bottle method with tubing etc) into each container for now, but I really need to get that temp down. Luckily the temperature outside dropped about 20 degrees last night, so with the windows open the temp was about 70. After flushing...
  8. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Thanks so much guys for the help! I have been testing the PH twice daily (morning and night since a week old) as I had read elsewhere that the dwc method can have fairly quick and dramatic PH changes. The PH has ever only left the 5.8-6 zone (went to 6.8) in the very beginning when I first...
  9. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Ill flush again today, forgot to mention i did it yesterday, but they continued to get worse. Using the sensi grow part A/B. Thanks anyway for your blazed help man, blazed or not its helpful to hear 2nd opinion
  10. farmermonkey

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Hi guys, Just joined the forum :D - ive been browsing round the threads for a couple of months now, but didnt i have lol Anyway, I hope you guys can help me. This is my first time growing. I have 4 plants, 1 indica, 3 sativa. Indoor hydroponics (air bubbles come from bottom of...