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  1. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Those are some great pictures. That thing belongs in a box of frosted flakes! Mm Mm, Bitch!
  2. ZenithXalaga

    first grow white widow 400w

    I always water mine till you see water coming through the drainholes then I stop. But they really shouldnt need a lot of water just to perk back up.
  3. ZenithXalaga

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    The fan will be fine. I assume to mean 1.5 to 2 feet between the top of your pots and the bottom of your lights? Well if height is an issue, I recommend you look into training your plants (LST or ScrOG) and you will have no problem even with a 10" pot. I only have about 12 inches in my case and...
  4. ZenithXalaga

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    pfft, I'm on my 3rd major practically.. lol And if you don't think THAT is expensive.. it's just as time-consuming as it is expensive. yeah 10.5 is pretty good. A lot of people use 8" pots are even smaller depending on their light setup. I just wouldn't veg in a 10.5 for longer than 4 weeks though.
  5. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Well.. since I'll be lsting the whole way the only thing I have to worry about is the shoots going up from the main cola rather than the height of the main cola itself.. I am anxious to start 12/12 don't get me wrong.. And I probably won't get a huge harvest anyways so maybe I should just go for...
  6. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Nah, honestly the heat stress scared me into thinking that it could hermie potentially, since I heard fem. seeds tend to do that. So no topping on this grow. I really just want to get this one finished before I try anything fancier than LST. I'm also wondering when I should actually switch to...
  7. ZenithXalaga

    First grow CFL'S bagseed Pics

    Good luck, I'll be followin'. Hey millyy! lol
  8. ZenithXalaga

    First Grow in Boom Box with WHITE WIDOW!

    Hey, I stumbled across this thread because I forgot to subscribe the first time around. How many lights do you have? It looks a little small for 8 days (I'm not trying to be a dick I swear, however I'm half drunk so bear with me). And also, naming a plant Rico may make it want to become a...
  9. ZenithXalaga

    First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.

    When do you plan on transplanting those babies? If you need any help ask and I'll try the best I can. I TOTALLY understand wanting to grow your own rather than throwing out 50 a week. It was the same for me my first few years of college.
  10. ZenithXalaga

    Stealth Dresser Grow - 1st Grow Attempt

    You're going to start nutes soon? I'd.. be careful then lol They look like they're a few weeks away from nutes to me.
  11. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    It is? ...oh well, I gots da ozone GEN-er-atah!
  12. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Day 16 I did some more LST today to get Stubby going in a circle. Hard to tell she's turning but she is believe me. It will show in a few days probably. I moved one light and taped it to the side of the pot, not sure if it will be any more effective since it's kinda far but the undergrowth...
  13. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    I forgot to tell you. I bought 3 lowryder #2 from attitude because every strain I have produces a smell so I wanted a nonsmelling one. But then I got the ozone generator...
  14. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Heh I got a one footer... one foot from the ground! Oooooooh shit.
  15. ZenithXalaga

    100% STEALTH 1st grow, need some advice.

    If you're going to grow in your closet you can forget about getting the temps down to 85 in that box. I say take out some lights and get an active intake and two exhaust fans if you aren't at least keeping the door open.
  16. ZenithXalaga

    2nd CFL grow

    Sweet! Now comes the fun part!
  17. ZenithXalaga

    A Guerilla in Bama needing help.

    Hey thank you both!
  18. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    I can tell she's getting taller. I can even see the pistils at the bottom of the plant! Looking good!
  19. ZenithXalaga

    Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

    Vd... Maybe he's making fun of you for having a venereal disease?
  20. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Yes, but I think I need to either change the way the lights are setup (still figuring what I can hold them in place with) but I may add 2 lights sometime this week and that will probably be it. Thanks for following.