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  1. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Today is only the 2nd time I've watered them since keeping the soil just a lil moist when they were germinating. The stem seriously just looked like someone had pinched it and had no way to stand up. I think it will recover just fine though. I'm basically doing the stick your finger in the soil...
  2. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    You probably have nitrogen dude. You're probably having a nutrient lockout...and so your plant can't use any of the nitrogen in the soil... due to p fucking h problems... seriously dude just get a ph kit.
  3. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Nitrogen deficiencies start at the bottom and work their way up.
  4. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Day 3 So I am faced with my first few problems as a beginning grower. 1. Lanky fell over 2. Temps WERE too warm with the carbon filter 1. When I was taking my plants out to water them, lanky just fell flat on the soil. I looked at the stem and at the very base it looked as if the stem had...
  5. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    I don't think so.. I would look into what nitrogen deficiencies look like. They start yellowing because they aren't getting enough nitrogen to produce chlrophyll which is a big part of photosynthesis. Otherwise Lucy looks very happy.
  6. ZenithXalaga

    Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

    Damn.. oz a week! Talk about up in smoke. I've only had the money to go through 1/4 in a week.
  7. ZenithXalaga

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    How long do you grind the trimmings for? I wont be getting a fraction of yield you're getting so I have to make sure im using every last bit of the plant that I can. Do you use different trimmings to make the cannabutter? Or can you use the leaves after going through the kief box?
  8. ZenithXalaga

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    Do you just shake it when the chopped up leaves are in it? That's what I was wondering about how the kief is extracted.
  9. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Yeah but why would my mom be inspecting the back of my computer is basically why I don't think it will be a problem. But the fan really isn't pushing a lot of air out of it so I may have to make an adjustment pretty soon because the box stays like 10 deg over room temp which is fine since the...
  10. ZenithXalaga

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    I've never heard of a kief box before thanks man!
  11. ZenithXalaga

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    How do you make keif from trimmings? And where did you get the blue cheese from? Everyone swears by it so I wanna get some seeds in the future
  12. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    This makes it more stealthy! She can't hear the exhaust fan as much, there isn't a BEAM of light shooting out of it now either! And now it hopefully wont smell at all! Plus ill just say its a big ass plug lol dammit millyy I thought you would be pleased to see this!
  13. ZenithXalaga

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Nah unless you're ordering like thousands they wont show up suspicious on any xrays and most seedbanks don't bill you with names related to cannabis or anything like that. You really don't need a prepaid credit card unless you really are that careful of a person
  14. ZenithXalaga

    I was bored, high as shit, don't usually draw..

    thats fucking crazy man.
  15. ZenithXalaga

    MI5 CFL Cupboard Grow Journal

    hey man that thing looks awesome! Subbed!
  16. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    haha Well each day they're still alive is another day to be jubilant! Anyways, I wanted to make a carbon filter... So I DID! Oh and this wasn't the big secret I was working on. I fucked up and made it too big so I may just make another one but I don't need it quite yet anyways. Didn't need...
  17. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    Day 2 It's day 2 and they are still alive. Yes! Yesterday I bought some school supplies and some gifts for my plants. I got 2 jars of Grandma's unsulfured molasses and 2 jars of yeast to make a CO2 dispenser for the case. In addition, I am going to move the light schedule from 20/4 to 24/0...
  18. ZenithXalaga

    ZenithXalaga's stealth AK-48 PC grow (w/ free sarcasm)

    hahahaha brb... NOT! AWW! YOU FELL FOR IT! MILLYY FELL FOR IT!! haha sorry.
  19. ZenithXalaga

    1st CFL Grow WHAT GIVES?!

    Oh were you not going to LST? I thought you were.