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  1. W

    Does This Look, Right?

    And you're right, the autoflowers are a great learning experience.
  2. W

    Does This Look, Right?

    Nice flowers, but if that's Diesel Rider they should be 24-28 inches with a lot more branching, yielding about an ounce each (given proper conditions). That's what I got outside, and they took a good 10-12 weeks. Don't have enough experience for advanced troubleshooting, but is it possible your...
  3. W

    What are the chances!?

    Hmm...I wonder how often this happens? I was trying the same thing with Auto AK47 and Auto Hindu Kush. 10/10 germed for both sets and, to my horror, all 20 were female. It had me wondering if some of the seed producers were quietly shipping femmed Auto seeds just to prevent seed runs. A second...
  4. W

    Yeild Estimate?(Pics)

    I'm growing WW in the same general location, and our plants look similar in size and health. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They look good.
  5. W

    Yes you can produce more females from Reg seeds.

    Yet another reason to distrust anything you read on a vendor's website. None of these things makes any sense, biologically. A seed is born as either an XX or XY (with rare exception), and that's the sex (F or M) that it will be. Increased humidity will induce feminization? How can they publish...
  6. W

    a good pest control?

    Just check the ingredients. Anything with Neem in it is probably going to be the safest stuff on the shelf. It's organic, and get one that includes other natural pesticides like pyrethrins. I'm on my first grow, but I garden so I'm just treating it like any other plant. I'm using Spectricide...
  7. W

    Kitten chewed off the tops of my seedlings

    We can't help you without a picture. Of the kitten.
  8. W

    a good pest control?

    Go to Lowe's or Home Depot. They have Neem-based sprays and concentrates. You generally don't have to worry about whether a mass-market product will affect the plant, but if the plant is as stressed as you say it it, try it half-strength at first.
  9. W

    hemp depot anyone?

    Ordered C99 from HD, got them in NY in about a week. Make sure you print the completed order form, since they'll use that as the mailing label.
  10. W

    God damn bears!!!!! How to bear proof your crop???

    They're not coming for the plants. Sorry, but once they get a taste of food, you're stuck with them for awhile. Unless you are going to build a god-almighty fence, the best you can do is wait them out while figuring out how to become unattractive to them. No bird feeders, no food-containing...
  11. W

    Growing in HAY

    He's probably planting in the ground and spreading the hay around the plant 1) as a ground cover to conserve moisture and discourage weed growth and 2) to provide a structural base for the tomatoes once they begin to develop, so they avoid direct contact with the soil (direct soil contact with...
  12. W

    Growing bud! Please help!

    What's happening is that the plant is 'reaching' for the light, but is not obtaining enough light to grow the proper stem support, so the plant eventually becomes top-heavy enough to topple over. In your situation, go to the store and get six 23-watt CFLs for $10-15, and grow 1-2 well-trained...