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  1. W

    Growing Hemp

    Here's a helpful link from a reputable source It's the same genus, to the way it grows and flowers should be indistinguishable from medical cannabis. Your question about pollination...the buds will still be there, it's just that they'll be...
  2. W

    Watering schedule question

    You have to think like a transplanted plant. Has anything changed? Were my roots cut? Did the ambient temperatures change drastically? Am I suddenly being attacked by leafhoppers? Is there a bright light shining on me at night? That sort of thing. If you are able to transplant without any...
  3. W

    MN Outdoor 2010

    They look good for a July planting, green and healthy. Hope the frost cooperates for you.
  4. W

    just a question???

    True. I refuse to buy another bottle of water since seeing pictures of those plastic garbage islands in the Pacific.
  5. W

    Watering schedule question

    Is it absolutely too big to wrestle into the ground? The rootball should be strong enough so that it doesn't separate, so transplant shock should be minimal. Spread some mulch over it and you could get away with visiting less than half what you are now. You'd also reduce it's profile by about...
  6. W

    just a question???

    Vinegar is probably the cheapest acidic household product you can find. Do an initial titration (determine how much vinegar to add to your water), then stick to the same brand and type of vinegar, as different types of vinegar may have different concentrations.
  7. W

    green bud eating caterpillars

    I'm on my way out to spray BT, but I'm going to get some Spinosad just in case I see an actual caterpillar (or anything else at this stage of flowering). Thanks for the tip.
  8. W

    Late-season LST experiment

    That's why I'm doing this, to see if you really need to tie it back up. I'm pretty sure that even if you hadn't used the twist ties, it would have been fine. When it splits like that it seems to retain a satisfactory connection to the root system. I get the feeling that when we tie it back...
  9. W

    Late-season LST experiment

    I see a lot of questions from people wondering how to shorten their plants once they've started to flower. You know, "It was all uber-stealth until it got 12 feet tall and all the grass around it flattened." I top most plants using Uncle Ben's method...
  10. W

    When to start nutes and soil feeding after plant problem

    Yeah, a splint is good. I thought I'd LST a plant this summer that was probably too old to bend. I came out a week later and I had all four branches split at the base of the stem, all lying flat on the ground. I picked them up, tied them to a stake...good as new! It's a plant, it wants to live...
  11. W

    Thrips !!

    Sorry, should have specified the Hot Shot fogger.
  12. W

    Growing Hemp

    Ah, okay. My mistake.
  13. W

    point of autos

    My latest-finishing autos were done by July 4 (my first complete grow). If I was greatly concerned about LEO or thieves, it would be the only thing I would grow.
  14. W

    Growing Hemp

    I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you use it as a filler? Absolutely. Does this exempt you from arrest? No, you're still carrying an illegal substance (the half that isn't hemp). Then you have the pleasure of explaining to LEO your clever scheme, and hilarity ensues. Just don't do it.
  15. W

    Thrips !!

    If you want to try to make it without treating, that's your call. Otherwise you have to use the Hot Shots, or something similar. Hot Shots contain pyrethrins, which are safe to use before harvest. They are non-toxic to humans under normal conditions, and they are broken down by light.
  16. W

    Growing Hemp

    This is the only important question, and the answer is no, it wouldn't work. Seriously, don't try this. And if you get more good ideas like this, run them past us before you try them.
  17. W

    Can I Clean a Household Cleaner Bottle Out And Use It For Water?

    Second the dollar store idea. Reusing a bottle is a great money saver until you Windex your plants by mistake. Oops.
  18. W

    Northern Ontario. My 2nd outdoor grow. Ice, Lemon Skunk, White Widow and AK47

    They look great, and that rabbit did a nice job! The only thing I would worry about in N Ontario is that the rest of the vegetation is going to die back, and you have these little islands of green. But they do look nice.
  19. W

    When to start nutes and soil feeding after plant problem

    So she fell, let her get back on the horse. These things (cracking and breaking) happen in the wild, and life goes on. Just keep doing what you were doing. And stop messing with it.
  20. W

    Stuck in a pickle.....

    A picture might help, but it sounds more like munching. If only a few tops are missing, or the entire top is mostly leveled off or only one side is affected, but the lower or other branches are relatively untouched, it's probably a deer grazing. Since only a few colas are missing, it sounds like...