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  1. yorban

    Will these reflectors do anything?

    Here they are, just made a rectangle and duct taped the suckers on , now a couple questions, plant 13 days old 1. how hot does the aluminum have to get before it burns? I'm sure CFLs dont get that hot and i have a fan on em, just good to know 2. Will these help the plants at all, I don't think...
  2. yorban

    One Plant , Bag seed, sex question

    Mmmmk, thanks for the hit up this helped a lot
  3. yorban

    One Plant , Bag seed, sex question

    Hello, I have 10 day old plant that is looking great, have about 90 watts half 2500k half 6500k, but I only have ONE. bag seed, so i'm wondering when you guys would 12/12 it to sex it and if I can turn it on 12/12 , sex it, then turn it back on veg - 24 hours a day light- thanks
  4. yorban

    Post Your CFL Setup!!!

    1 250 watt 6500k 1 40 watt 6500k 5 26 watt 2500k for a total of 420 watts ;3 Dunno how many plants I will do total, have some bag seed so we'll see how many females i get out of it all when the come
  5. yorban

    My Future Jungle

    Rule of thumb is 80 watts of true cfl per plant.
  6. yorban

    First grow with cfls

    Thats a nice plant! As far as I'm concerned you're good to go for flowering, but it would never hurt to add some more 2500k bulbs ^_^
  7. yorban

    Any Tests Done w/ Flowering with 6500k Lights?

    Hey, I have a 290 Watts of 6500k CFL, actual wattage, and about 138 watts of 2500k. If i were to flower 3-4 plants under these lights would I see a major lack of buds because my main source of light is the 6500k? I was wondering if there were any tests between 6500k and 2500k for vegging and...
  8. yorban

    red rhino grow possible with CFL's?

    Assuming there isn't anything special about growing red rhino... 80 watts minimum per plant, if not more would do it, Actual not equivlant
  9. yorban

    Our ghetto CFL grow

    You using an hps?
  10. yorban

    massive cfl how many +rep best answer

    1 per plant? amirite
  11. yorban

    Is it the Strain or amidoinit wrong?

    an eighth!!! okay thanks for the tip man, that comment will save me weeks of madness
  12. yorban

    Is it the Strain or amidoinit wrong?

    Yeeeah I've started nutes, an 1/8 of a tbsp for 2 quarts of water which is half of what the directions say and its got nute burn i think. Half of one of the original leaves turned colors and brittled up and died ;_;
  13. yorban

    Is it the Strain or amidoinit wrong?

    Every grow journal I've looked at, the plants at 14 days or so looks completely different, like they grow out and have huge leaves. While mine is small, dense, and sad ;_;. I'm nervous because my little girl isn't showing signs of the outward horizontal growth. So is it the strain or am I...
  14. yorban


    Eh, take all the little cuttings you want, but dont take them all, the plant will still regrow leaves so you can get more clones in a couple of weeks, leave the fan leaves
  15. yorban

    First Grow = Male, 2nd time around I want NO mistakes

    Grow them 24 hours under light, then after they're semi big switch to 12/12 for a week or so and you should be able to see the sex organs
  16. yorban

    Drastic Change, Dead?

    ah thanks for the reply, i got a few more seeds germinating now, i bought some miracle gro organic soil so hopefully that will make a big difference. I used bottled water to water the plant... just checked and there was no dampness on the bottom half of the soil, the root system probably reached...
  17. yorban

    Drastic Change, Dead?

    The young picture was taken on july 23, and the newest one, the sick one was just taken today. There were a couple orange leaves and I cut them off a couple of days before it turned all dry. Does anyone know whats the issues might be? I dont think heat is a possibilty, I had a fan running on the...
  18. yorban

    Should I kill this perky stupid looking plant?

    Okay, I'll wait, thanks
  19. yorban

    Should I kill this perky stupid looking plant?

    I'd consider killing it because it hasn't made any progress besides the leaves it comes out the soil with, and there are is no growth for new leaves coming out, they're about a week old give or take a couple days, I'm using 6 23 watt cfls , a few blue and red spectrum
  20. yorban

    Should I kill this perky stupid looking plant?

    Well out of the 3 seeds I only have 2 left. The first one that died got attacked by the light and the stem died. Now the 2 I have left, one is absolutely perfect, and the other is a runt with only 4 leaves and isn't growing any more sets. Is there any chance of it actually growing leaves or is...