My Future Jungle


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up RIU Im Back Again with Another Grow But On A larger Scale Atleast For ME It IS. I Usually Maxout At About 4 Plants. But For This Grow I have 9. Original Plans Where About 13 To 18 Plants But Some Did not Germinate. But Everything Happens For A Reason. For My Future Jungle I have 5 Bagseeds, 2 G13 Haze, 1 Whitewidow, And 1 Whiterhino. Variety Is The Spice Of Life Is What I Always Been Told. The Widow And Rhino Are Femenized, Everything Else Is Regular.

But Anyway The Oldest Are,One G13 Haze(Green Bottle)And One Bagseed(Green Bottle). They Where Started Earlier And Have Had There Ups and Downs. I Have Also Named Them. The G13 Haze Is Perky, I Have Never Really Had A Problem With Perky Only When It Firdt Started Growin. It Grew Slow But It Didnt really Bother Me Because I Had Another Plant Growing At The Same Time In There Which Was Droopy. But The ZFunny Thing Was That Perky Ended Out Growing Droopy LOL. Now Droopy Started Of Great But Began To Act Up Over Time At First It Was Called Bushy But Soon Lost That Name Because Of Constant Drooping. At First I Thought It Was Underwatering But Soon Figured Out It Was OverWatering. Droopy Kept On Holding On And Showed Improvement Every Week So I Never Gave Up. Now Droopy is Doing Great And Back On Track. BTW I Will Not Be Naming The Other & Plants So Dont Worry , 2 Is Enough For Me LOL. The Plant In The Red Party Cup Is A Clone Of The G13 It Hasnt Rooted Yet.

Also I Have Provided Everything I Am Using For My Grow So If You Have Any Questions Please Feel Free To Ask. Also Please Comment And Leave Constructive Criticism Those Are Always Welcome And I Am Always Willing To Learn.

:leaf:The Grow:leaf:

Lights- Cfl 12 (23w-26w) 9 Daylights 3 Softwhites for Mixed Spectrum

Temp- 70-85 Degrees

Soil- Scotts Top Soil Mixed With Perlite

Nutrients- Blood And Bone Meal

Seeds- 5 BagSeeds, 2 G13 Haze, 1 White Widow And Rhino Feminized(Greenhouse)

Containers- 2 Liter Soda Bottles

Reflective Material- Winshield Reflector For Cars

Grow Area- Closet

I Also Have 2 Fans A 10 Inch Stationary Fan( Blows On Plants And Bulbs) And A Standing Fan That Rotates/Circulates Air In The Closet.

Pic1-G13 And Bagseed (A.K.A) Perky (2 Weeks Old) And Droopy (3 Weeks Old)

Pic2-Top View Of Perky And Droopy

Pic3-Future Jungle Stretched

Pic4-Droopy(4 weeks old) And Perky (3 weeks Old) LST'D

Pic5-Droopy And Perky Top View

Pic6- Everyone

Pic7- Everyone Again (Closer Pic)

Pic8- Hygrometer/Thermometer

Pic9- Winshield Reflector

I Will Be Updating Every Friday So Pull Up A Chair, And Happy Growing



Well-Known Member
that would be a wise decision. also look for the ones that are U shaped, not spiraled & keep in mind that most of the light comes from the sides and not the tip!
happy growing! good luck!
Thanks for the tips i will keep an eye out for the u shaped ones, and try to figure out a way to get those bulbs horizontal.


Well-Known Member
dont go for 42 watts cfls...27 watt are most effective for price.. 27watt pack of 4 12$..1 42 watt 7$ get more lumens for your moneys


New Member
Go with the smaller wattage bulbs and use more for greater coverage.
Second I see your tieing down the plants with fishing wire, bad idea,
as the plants stretch and grow the wire will cut into the plants stems
blocking the stem cells from doing their job of transporting moisture and
nutes to the buds and leaves. I made the mistake of using thick thread and
the damn thread almost went all the way through the stems, lucky I caught it
in time! Plants look green but droopy, might be over watering or a ph issue but more
leaning to overwatering!
Happy growing my friend:)


Well-Known Member
dont go for 42 watts cfls...27 watt are most effective for price.. 27watt pack of 4 12$..1 42 watt 7$ get more lumens for your moneys
Thanks for visiting my thread, and that does make alot of sense. Im always down for getting my moneys worth.


Well-Known Member
Go with the smaller wattage bulbs and use more for greater coverage.
Second I see your tieing down the plants with fishing wire, bad idea,
as the plants stretch and grow the wire will cut into the plants stems
blocking the stem cells from doing their job of transporting moisture and
nutes to the buds and leaves. I made the mistake of using thick thread and
the damn thread almost went all the way through the stems, lucky I caught it
in time! Plants look green but droopy, might be over watering or a ph issue but more
leaning to overwatering!
Happy growing my friend:)
Thanks for visiting my grow. I see you have a keen eye. I would have never guessed that was fishing line if i didnt already know. I was skeptical about it it first but due ti the fact that i didnt see any damage i didnt pay it any attention. But since you have experienced the damage that it can do i will most definetly talk your advice. One quick question i have another string it is much thicker then the fishing line, its actually two nylon threads braided together to form one is that any better? I will try to provide a pic when i get a chance.

As for you theory about over watering you maybe correct the plants where a bit overwatered but I think in the last pics they were thirsty beacause when i was watering them the dirt was bone dry actually a desert. I dont usually let it get that dry only when i believe it has been over watered. Again thanks for your help and I hope to learn more from you.


Well-Known Member
ok so far the palnts have been growing great but when i checked them today i noticed two things. 1 the big plants Droopy and Perky were not looking so good they looked droopy as if they were dying. But the soil was dry as a bone and i know i watered them with a lot of water atleast half a gallon each last time which was friday. 2) the second thing was that perky was trying to tell me something but couldnt figure it out. the leaves were some what healthy and it had rust spots on it. I checked the plant deficiency thread and i am stumped some of the leaves are turning yellow buti n fact they shouldnt. Because last watereing b4 they were showin any signs i gave them some blood meal. any ideas i also included some pics.

P.s I also noticed that when im watering the plant doesnot absorb water right away it seems to just runoff, causing me to water unit i think its enough, usually when the container gets heavy. Now that i think about it may be nute burn.

the first pic is for ghostsamurai25 in refrence to my last post about the fishing line substitute. Oh and for some reason i dont know why the carpet is purple its suppse to be tan lol.

Oh btw everyone who has posted on this thread recieved +rep



Well-Known Member
Not Much of An update Today, sorry No Pics. But I transplanted the oldest plants in some fresh soil, i washed of all the dirt or majority of it off the root ball. So im giving it a week or so to bounce back and keep you guys updated


New Member
Hey buddy, Im not sure what that burn is due to, how often do you fert and what strength fert are you using?
The string you have shown in your pics is perfect, it wont cut into or scar your stems:)
I have one concern about your watering, if you let it go too dry dont try to compensate by giving more water ive noticed that caused more problems in my grow, give it less water that time around just so the roots start to absorb again then when it feels slightly dry next time you can water normally. Its better for it to be under watered than over watered. Having the roots sit in water their not using is a major problem.
Why did you transplant?


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, Im not sure what that burn is due to, how often do you fert and what strength fert are you using?
The string you have shown in your pics is perfect, it wont cut into or scar your stems:)
I have one concern about your watering, if you let it go too dry dont try to compensate by giving more water ive noticed that caused more problems in my grow, give it less water that time around just so the roots start to absorb again then when it feels slightly dry next time you can water normally. Its better for it to be under watered than over watered. Having the roots sit in water their not using is a major problem.
Why did you transplant?
I fert every two weeks and as for strentgh i woud say 1/2 to 1/4. Since i use both blood and bone meal i usually give half a tablespoon or whole. Yes i realized that i have let it dry out to much causing it not to absorb water as it use to. I usuall water every 2 to 3 days when the top soil is dry up to the firs 2 inches. I will take what you said into consideration for the smaller ones. Also a lil update after i did the transplant(wish i never did it) Perky died it was all dried up any clue to why?droopy is still alive but barely i honestly dont think its going to make it, but ill stick it out to the end. I honestly dont why i did transplant i though it would help bcuz th fresh soil was ligh and fluffy and th old was dry (wont be doing that again lol)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I know I havent updated in a while but i just had a quick question um..... I lst'd some of my plants and some came out great but 2 didnt. what im trying to say is i tied the top down and it did what it was suppose to do which is send the side branches up to be become new tops which is great but now the original top is still in the tied down position it hasnt turned its head up for the light and catch up to the other tops What should i do? i hope its not too confusing i attached some pics to help out

also these pics are a tad bit old 2weeks but it should still help out. Also added a lil group pic so you guys can see how much they have grown



I am by no means any expert, but judging by your pictures and how dark it is at the base of the plant, I would guess that enough light is not getting through to the LST'ed section. Everything I have read on here says that you should keep your lights anywhere from 1-3 inches from your plant. If possible maybe move the lights a little closer or add some side lights and see what kind of results you have. Or maybe you tied down that section of the plant "cutting off the circulation". Thats just my two cents, just something to think about, not saying that I'm right and thats the problem, just my opinion haha. Later man and good luck, ill be following this.


Well-Known Member
I am by no means any expert, but judging by your pictures and how dark it is at the base of the plant, I would guess that enough light is not getting through to the LST'ed section. Everything I have read on here says that you should keep your lights anywhere from 1-3 inches from your plant. If possible maybe move the lights a little closer or add some side lights and see what kind of results you have. Or maybe you tied down that section of the plant "cutting off the circulation". Thats just my two cents, just something to think about, not saying that I'm right and thats the problem, just my opinion haha. Later man and good luck, ill be following this.
Hey thanks for the advice i thought no one would answer as far as light not reaching it i highly doubt it but i will take it into consideration by adding side lighting, it is getting a lil crowded in there. The pic was taken with a camera phone so that may explain the darkness. Next time i will use my camera. I wil also lower the lights and even loosen the tied down part to see if it helps. Basically im just gonna take your advice ans see if it helps ill keep you updated.

btw+rep for you:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone i went to check on my babys which are flowering now i forgot to mention sorry. But I have discovered some males in my group of girls thankfully none of the pollen sacks opened and contaminated by girls or i would have been one pissed of dad but all is well. What surprised me was how similar they look to bud from a distance but they couldnt fool me. I was also surprised on how fast they devoleped, my girls are still showing some hair here and there but those males just took off.

Also im just wondering if my plants are where there suppose to be as far as the flowering stage and time.(today makes one week 2 days on 12/12)

Im using bone meal for floweing nutes 1 tsp per plant and I plan on feed every two weeks so the next feeding is Xmas. Does that sound like a good feedind schedule. Dont really want to pust it because i asked a friend to water them one time and instead of using regular water he used blood meal tea and some of them are recovering from that.

Has anyone used topsoil as a grow medium the plants are doing ok but i was wondering has anyone experienced the soil turning hard when dried and sometimes does not accept water right away it usually takes several watering plus it also drys out quick.

My watering cycle is every 2 days used to be 3. I also flush the soil out once a week now also helps with the dry ass soil situation. Oh and i just got some molasses and plan on watering with that for the flowering cycle (1&1/2tsp per gallon) i have hear good things about it and hope to get good results from it and yes it is unsulphered lol.

one of my biggest problems is my white widow plant its not looking its best, it has major nute burns thanks to my friend who watered with the blood meal tea:evil: instead of regular water. I immediately flushed it when i saw it haven given any nutes for about a week then recently gave it one tsp of bone meal for flowering it has gotten worse i may just give it straight water until it clears up or very little nutes any suggestions.

Also made one of those DIY febreeze odor control bucket but on a smaller scale, waiting to see how that holds up but so far so good.

I added some more light to help with the lower growth.

So guys and gals tell me what you think what i should do, how im doing and any advice will help.

I have alot of pics but i wont add all it would be a pain in the ass with this slow ass internet of mine but ill put up some good ones i promise :mrgreen:.

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for this long update ill try to post weekly instead of whenever the wind blows my way.

sorry guys im having a hard time attaching the pics ill try again a lil later