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  1. W

    Please Check This Out! Pic

    2 of my 3 plants did this the other one doesn't seem to have these.. I have seperated 2 from the one that isn't doing this. do you think I should place these plants with that growth back into the room?
  2. W

    Please Check This Out! Pic

    Thanks for checking this out for me. This plant is approx 5 weeks old, grown from seedling. I use MH 400W Light timing of 16 hours on 8 hours off... Im not sure what these are... currently there is my main stock and established sets of leaves. there are these growing at the main stock where...
  3. W

    Something is not right with 2 of my seedlings!Pls help.

    looks fine, just watter em for now without using nutes. It will be some time still before you will need to feed them. If your using tap water, let it sit out to dechlorinate for atleast 24 hours before watering. Only water when soil is starting to try up. Dont over water. Keep an eye on em.
  4. W

    Temp question?

    Id get the temps down to around 80-85 with the light on, lower temps when the light is turned off. you can control heat with fans. In the summer I also use a AC to lower the temps due to super hot temps in my room.
  5. W

    Plants sick, need help

    Whats the temp? At that size you dont need any nutes. Do you have a fan in there? Is the plant getting fresh air? How much water you giving and how often??? We need more info!!!
  6. W

    My Babies 1 inch tall!! Should i start feeding them???

    These things take time. If you rush things you will have many problems in your garden. Take time, think things through properly. Ask questions, We will reply. Sometimes, I wait for a few responses to make sure that I haven't been mis-informed (it happens). All will come in good time, you're in...
  7. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    Well Im back, all has been well. Plants are looking much better. I do have a slight concern, I have notices the leaves on the bottom of the plant have slight drooping and very slightly turning yellowish green. I also noticed a few stems turning purpleish/red. Im sure that my plants are looking...
  8. W

    My Babies 1 inch tall!! Should i start feeding them???

    I use regular water til I see a few nodes grow, then I gradually add nutes into the water. I use soil-less soil. Start with 1/4 nute formula and move up slowly to 1/2 then full strenght when they are ready. Dont rush, relax and learn from your plants. The always react to what you do, watch for...
  9. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    Thanks for reply, I have at the fan on level 1 and it runs ALL the time. there are 3 settings on the fan. are you suggesting moving up to level 2? My fan moves quite a bit of air even on level #1, It's a 12" desk fan. I was going to try and hold off adding dirt, because the will need to be...
  10. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    I'll keep you posted with pics, no problem!
  11. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    Ive had the fan on the entire time. it's a 12" fan and it moves back and fourth. Im thinking the light was too far away. Ive moved the light closer to the plants (approx 18-20 inches plant to blub, using 400W MH) Hopefully they wont have to "reach for the light" and can get thicker...
  12. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    24 hours of light currently. I was thinking of switching to 18/6 next week. I checked the light temp at 20 inches with my hand and it's "warm" not hot. hopefully moving the lights down will help the steams "beef up".. time will tell. Thanks, Woo
  13. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    Can I move the 400W MH Closer than 20 inches?? I want to get them more stocky, but I definitely dont want to burn them. Thanks, Woo
  14. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    Thanks for your reply, I had a 12" table fan that has been oscillating the entire time. I just moved the 400W MH from 4 feet off the ground to 20 inches off the ground. Im worried about transplanting too early they are only 8 days old.
  15. W

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    I've started my first growing session. I've have got 4 of 6 seeds to germ. I had them on a 400W MH 4 feet off the ground. they are 2.5 - 3 inches now. I've brought the light down from 4 feet to around 20 inches this morning. The reason I lowered the light is that they are starting to strech and...