Something is not right with 2 of my seedlings!Pls help.


Well-Known Member
currently growing 5 bagseed.
these are 2 of them,the rest are doing great.
They started to show some signs about a week into the grow.
Now its 2.5 weeks into the grow.
Ph levels are 6.3.
No nutes.
Miracle grow african violet potting soil mixed with perlite.
I water,then i skip 2 nights then i water again.
6 43w CFL.
They are 4" away from the plant.
Temps have been swinging around 78F.
Humidity is always 38%.
Light schedule was 24hrs. of light.No dark period.

This is one of them.

The other one.
The bottom leaves were starting to touch the soil and turning from pale green to a little yellow.
The one in the second picture has little yellow or pale green spots on it.
Leaves are really droopy.

I changed the lights from 24Hrs. to 18/6.
I got Vigoro's all purpose fertilizer. 10-10-10.
It told me to put 2 teaspoons in 1 gallon so i only put 1 teaspoon in there.
I know they are too young to be on a regular feeding schedule but i was only going to feed them once.

The next day it seemed to me that the leaves were getting greener.
The next day they looked almost completely recovered if it werent for the leaves drooping a bit.
I was very sattisfied and smoked a joint to show them how happy i was that they were getting better.

This is one of them.

The other one.

But now this one seems to be getting a little worse again.

See how the bottom 2 leaves look almost yellow?
And see how the other one has little yellow spots on him?
They do look allot better then they did but they still look a little droopy to me.The bottom pale green leaves worry me so i would appreciate all the help i can get.

Keep smoking people.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan? Or something to move the air around? If not get one. I'm pretty sure a constant flow of fresh air would do your plants some good. Everything else looks fine but then again I'm not expert. Wait for a second opinion before taking mine.


Well-Known Member
These look fine to me. Like rev said you might want to get a fan to give these little babies some air flow, plus it will strengthen up the stalks.


Active Member
looks fine, just watter em for now without using nutes. It will be some time still before you will need to feed them. If your using tap water, let it sit out to dechlorinate for atleast 24 hours before watering. Only water when soil is starting to try up. Dont over water. Keep an eye on em.


Well-Known Member
I am very carefull not to over water.
I let it dry out for a good 2 days.
Well,i do have 2 fans an very very low.
I only put it on the strenghts were the plants don't move around too much.Only the foliage move a bit.Should i put the 2 fans on a stronger speed?


Well-Known Member
stronger speed on the fans...i keep keep fluoros about two inches from the plant at that age....stop feeding...your soil has plenty of nutes in it unless you flushed the shit out of it. All in all they look pretty alright to me. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
A little update on the plants.
Well,i didnt water them for a good 2-3 days.
They are in 8" pots.
They were doing fine,soil felt dry.
So i decided to water one of the plants just to see if the water schedule is too much.
And sure enough,the next morning,it looked like shit!
Really really droopy,leaves touching the soil but nothing out of hand.
Gave her 400ml of water.
Getting a better hang of it now and it isn't a good soil.
(wil change in 4 days).
Bought a moisture meter and i will only water once that meter hits 1(on a scale of 10).

I'm glad i didn't water all the plants.
The moisture meter read that the soil of the other plants was at 4(on a scale of 10) so ive been messing up the watering big time.
Glad i only watered the one.
Hopefully it will recover well.

well it's a lesson well learned and won't be making the same mistake again.(will try).
Glad i didn't have to learn it the hard way!
Thnx for all your help and maby someone else can learn from my mistakes.

Have the fan on low-medium and temps remain at 75F.
Humidity is 49% and stays there.


Active Member
maybe you should water a lil less so the roots will grow lookin for not an expert but i wouldnt give my baybe 400ml every couple of days. remember that the roots needs to breathe and it is small. i dont water my seedlings to much. what i do i water i water one side and sprinkle a lil bit of water on the other side so that there are roots that can get air and roots that get water. its works great for me and i dont ever worry about over watering.


Well-Known Member
I did the same light sch. with my second round of plants and found that they don't do as well unless you give them atleast some time in the dark to rest.