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  1. MaxNarco


    everybody is being really hard on this guy. i don't think he doesn't know anything i think his English is just really bad (sorry) and nobody is understanding him. if you have any problems send me a privet message from the site's e mail system and i will do my best to understand and help you
  2. MaxNarco

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    looks great especially for a first timer
  3. MaxNarco


    i grew 5 bag seed 4 female one hermie
  4. MaxNarco

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    amazing, and thanks for taking the time to do this
  5. MaxNarco

    Looking for some advice.. any idea what's going on with these plants? [pics attached]

    yea this is not from the heat i would flush the soil and cut down on the nutes use only water for a week or 2
  6. MaxNarco

    Extra tops on the top of my tops...

    i would just leave them
  7. MaxNarco

    why are my leaves falling

    i really don't have room in my closet for a fan would opening it and turning a fan on them be sufficient? and if how often and hour twice a day or something like that?
  8. MaxNarco

    why are my leaves falling

    i have healthy green leaves that are just falling off. these leaves are from the bottom. perfectly good leaves just falling off with the simplest of touch. could this be a problem from lack of ventilation or something? i don't really have good air circulation
  9. MaxNarco


    i am sure i have seen pistols on the plant so its a hermaphrodite! my luck so will it pollinate itself and make seeds? and will the seeds be good? or just produce more hermaphrodite
  10. MaxNarco


    Ok so here is the problem i had what i taught was a male plant... i didn't kill it i simply moved it outside. it has been flowering for about 2weeks and now i am not sure if it is male anymore. my camera is fucked so i had to use my webcam and the pics came out really bad. but if somebody...
  11. MaxNarco


    i would love to help you but i don't even know what your question is !.!.!.!?
  12. MaxNarco

    Potent pot >>> how to achieve it

    thanks for taking the time to give up this vital info, very helpful very detailed.... +rep
  13. MaxNarco

    What is this

    could be the stress on the plant made it stronger.... what doesn't kill weed makes it stronger.
  14. MaxNarco

    How much light do you use POLL

    lol nobody voted by me ?
  15. MaxNarco

    WTF! a mushroom is in my pot!

    hey if your not gonna eat it .....i will. they way i see it there is a 50 50 chance that it will either kill you or get you really fucked up.
  16. MaxNarco

    BigSkyBudTHC's Perpetual Grow...Lots of Pictures and Strains...All Comments Welcome

    all i can say is how can i get my hands on some of that.... +rep
  17. MaxNarco

    Construction journal of large trailer garden. 12,000 watts.

    by the way that was a reply to something that happened on the first page ... i'm kinda baked. and by the way the only thing they can track from the site is the server which is IP address location & more: IP address [?]: IP country code...
  18. MaxNarco

    Construction journal of large trailer garden. 12,000 watts.

    lol cops do not watch sites like these dude and even if they did there is no way of tracking an ip simply from a post. unless it is static and a tier 2 connection. and event the amount of hops would be insane to track for a fucking weed bust. only way they might even go trough the hassle of...