

Now i got a 40w(5000K) + 2x 11w(don't know lumins, but i think enought). Im thinkin about this - sometimes I screw in a 40w and sometimes I unscrew it and then i left only those 11w bulds and the time when 40w buld is on is different, sometimes 5h of 18h and sometimes ~8h. And the question is - My plant cant become as hermie?

P.S. I know 40W with 5000k is damn bad cuz I didn't watch on the package how much lumins does it have and those 11w is cuz, I need a light cuz at the moment I can't get nothing better.


Well-Known Member
this thread makes me sad, look in the grow faq, you have absolutely no idea what your doing. no offense but seriously. you need to at least get the very very basic things down. if u dont learn those you might as sell not bothergrowing......


Lol. I have idea what im doin and the plant is growing... I just asked a simple question and want a answer.


Well-Known Member
you dont understand, look at it through our eyes, youve not even learned the basics, if you did you would realize that your question doesnt make any sense and is meaningless . no offense but seriously, youll need more light,you obviously have done absolutely no research on lighting and what you do know you dont understand, 5000k is the color spectrum. youve probally got them too far away, you say 40w, do you mean 40w incandesent bulb? marijuana is light period sensitive plant, fucking up the lighting like that all the time is a horrible idea. their, now please look up the basics, if you have any questions after that we'll help if we can.......


I know basics.. u haven't even learn my post(i know maybe my language is bad, but...)... I know that lumen is light color spectrum and lights is not too far from my plant and yes i mean 40w incandesent bulb. Im not that stupid. lol.

And i congatulations for answering my question! "fucking up the lighting like that all the time is a horrible idea" this was what I wanted to know! Thank you.

P.S. And one more questions... is this buld with 5000K is totally bad for plant or I can grow with it or better no?

P.S. It's my plant and buld.

Picture 017.jpgPicture 016.jpg


Well-Known Member
you say you know these things, but your wrong. lumens and color spectrum are 2 different things, a incandesent bulb is not good for growing, 5000k is the color spectrum, not the lumens! they are 2 different things, no, you cant grow a decent plant with that light.


Active Member
Now i got a 40w(5000K) + 2x 11w(don't know lumins, but i think enought). Im thinkin about this - sometimes I screw in a 40w and sometimes I unscrew it and then i left only those 11w bulds and the time when 40w buld is on is different, sometimes 5h of 18h and sometimes ~8h. And the question is - My plant cant become as hermie?

P.S. I know 40W with 5000k is damn bad cuz I didn't watch on the package how much lumins does it have and those 11w is cuz, I need a light cuz at the moment I can't get nothing better.

lol what???

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Now i got a 40w(5000K) + 2x 11w(don't know lumins, but i think enought). Im thinkin about this - sometimes I screw in a 40w and sometimes I unscrew it and then i left only those 11w bulds and the time when 40w buld is on is different, sometimes 5h of 18h and sometimes ~8h. And the question is - My plant cant become as hermie?

P.S. I know 40W with 5000k is damn bad cuz I didn't watch on the package how much lumins does it have and those 11w is cuz, I need a light cuz at the moment I can't get nothing better.
get a job buy some better equipment lol. Wtf does my plant cant become as hermie mean? Your plant prolly will become a hermie if you stress it out. Which you will if u use an incandescent bulb, heat stress.


Well-Known Member
good post hippie, one thing though,while it is true that stress can and will turn your plant hermie its a certain kind of stress, light stress or collodial silver(or any of the other chemicals used to make a true female grow some balls for fem seeds) to be specific, heat stress and that sort stuff will not make it go hermie. light stress,genetics, and chemical application are what turn a plant hermie.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
good post hippie, one thing though,while it is true that stress can and will turn your plant hermie its a certain kind of stress, light stress or collodial silver(or any of the other chemicals used to make a true female grow some balls for fem seeds) to be specific, heat stress and that sort stuff will not make it go hermie. light stress,genetics, and chemical application are what turn a plant hermie.
lets put it this way. I got 4 hermies out of 6 females in my last grow. This was because of actual stress on the plant. Any time the plant thinks that it is not going to be able to find pollen to reproduce in its life, it will herm out. This could even happen under normal conditions. ITs an evolutionary trait that helps propagate the species. As marijuana is one of the few plants that has male female. Most plants are already hermies. So if it gets so hot that its burning, it CAN herm because the plant will think its going to die soon and it wants to reproduce (evolution). What happened to mine is they were fucked with too much. The cardboard they were growing in buckled and was pushing down the tops of the plants. Thats obviously what created my hermies lol.


Active Member
everybody is being really hard on this guy. i don't think he doesn't know anything i think his English is just really bad (sorry) and nobody is understanding him.
if you have any problems send me a privet message from the site's e mail system and i will do my best to understand and help you

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
everybody is being really hard on this guy. i don't think he doesn't know anything i think his English is just really bad (sorry) and nobody is understanding him.
if you have any problems send me a privet message from the site's e mail system and i will do my best to understand and help you
I wasnt trying to be hard on him, but he hasn't responded since his first post so maybe destruction scared him off lol


Well-Known Member
lets put it this way. I got 4 hermies out of 6 females in my last grow. This was because of actual stress on the plant. Any time the plant thinks that it is not going to be able to find pollen to reproduce in its life, it will herm out. This could even happen under normal conditions. ITs an evolutionary trait that helps propagate the species. As marijuana is one of the few plants that has male female. Most plants are already hermies. So if it gets so hot that its burning, it CAN herm because the plant will think its going to die soon and it wants to reproduce (evolution). What happened to mine is they were fucked with too much. The cardboard they were growing in buckled and was pushing down the tops of the plants. Thats obviously what created my hermies lol.
no, its not. lol. you think i dont know what im talking about? ive put plants through hell and seen people do the same and seen plants re-bound after going through hell, they dont go hermie. only if you light stress them or i will concede, if you let them grow too long they will make bananas, but its usually too late to matter.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
no, its not. lol. you think i dont know what im talking about? ive put plants through hell and seen people do the same and seen plants re-bound after going through hell, they dont go hermie. only if you light stress them or i will concede, if you let them grow too long they will make bananas, but its usually too late to matter.
dude u dont even understand the phisiology of marijuana. Im not even gonna go into it. However, you absolutley can get hermies in ALOT of situations. It comes from ANY stress look at any book about marijuana they all say this. Im telling you what happened to me. ITs undisputable. Stop posting ignorant crap before you research it. I have done so, if you would like to continue I will begin citing evidence.