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  1. sweetswisher

    Allow myself to introduce....myself

    Midwest right here ha I got sum aurora goin right now. 3 weeks flower and sum aurora x great white shark
  2. sweetswisher

    PLEASE SAVE MY PLANT! Blue Diesel (Blueberry X Sour Diesel) LOWER LEAVES DYING

    What kind of light are you using ? The bottoms of the plants arent getting enough light and are starting to die. Not really that big of a deal the discoloration of the stem is normal also. Kind of brown and rough like a young tree lmao
  3. sweetswisher

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Nice ai plants man I got sum ai and gws x ai going right now only 3 weeks in flower tho
  4. sweetswisher

    Stinkbudd1's 600watts~soil~earth juice~brew tea grows!!

    lmao completly random but I have that same table your plants are sitting on ha Wish I had the plants sitting on it Looking nice
  5. sweetswisher

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    That jackberry looks dank I'm bout to get me some of them beans
  6. sweetswisher

    Summer '11 Growathon

    The 3 and 4 bladed leafs are from a plant revegging
  7. sweetswisher

    Ak48 and two Aurora indica clones...CFL's all the way

    aurora indica can't remember what week it was
  8. sweetswisher

    Greenpower000 - Bag Seed - CFL - Closet Grow

    Subd Nice little cab grow you got going on man. Can't wait to see the outcome.
  9. sweetswisher

    My First Grow!

    pretty insane how small that plant is for veggin for 7 weeks
  10. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    I agree with Unity. I wouldn't switch up nutes this late in the game, plus fox farm nutes aren't crap, you just have to be careful with them. Salvage what you can of your plant now and learn from your mistakes for next time. Cannabis plants in soil like a drying out period. Give them a real...
  11. sweetswisher

    My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

    Blue dream is amazing
  12. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    actually those plants in the pics were in mg moisture contol soil
  13. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    no happy frog with more vermiculite and worm castings mixed in
  14. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    good luck man sorry my help doesn't seem accurate when It comes to ph and what not, but thats what I use
  15. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    Ya you think I'm trying to bs you man? Im tryin to help
  16. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    I called fox farn at one point \and they guy told me if I'm using reverse osmosis water I'd need a cal mag booster even tho tiger bloom has calcium and magnesium and I believe the 3 solubles do also.
  17. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    In that case just calmag at half strength an thats it. to be honest i don't check my ph at all and I've never had problems
  18. sweetswisher

    (PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!

    You can use it with other nutrients man. I use it with every watering now actually. Just use it half strength do you use purified water all the time? or do you use tap water also?