(PICS)Yellow leaf tips, very slow growth, brown spots on old leaves, any idea!


Active Member

I officially have given up on trying to figure out this problem. I have taken everyone's advice from flushing, too PH adjustment, too cal-mag, everything...... I give up. I'm just going to let the plant do whatever it wants. I'm going to water her and give her nutes on her regular schedules but if this problem gets worse then oh well.
Here is a question for you all: Can this be due to root rot? My main stem is kind of woody!
Take a look:




Well-Known Member
Check runoff pH in one week, if it has dropped then theres the problem, if it has held nicely at about 6.4-6.8 then i don't know either, change your ferts maybe. That stem dosen't look right, mine look woody but a lot different, like somthing is growing up it! Investigate that.


Active Member
yea.. the stem looks fine to me , most of em will get woodyish if you veg. em long enough . You already have a lot of suggestions here .... I'm just not sure what to tell you other than you need somebody better than me for this one ................... I'm just friggin lost here - couldn't even keep in long enough to read all tbh ... sry ... but at least i'm honest ehh


Active Member
UPDATE! So I'm going to change my whole nutrient line up. I'm using this fox farm crap, Big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom. I'm going out today to pick me up some advanced nutrients and PRO MIX SOIL. Now the question is, Can I use the advanced nutrient line on this plant that i'm growing right now or should I just keep going with the Fox farm TRIO. If I can use the Advanced Nutrients on this plant, do i have to flush all of the FOX FARM crap out of my soil?
This whole problem is due to Nutrients in soil or Soil!
I'm very frustrated with this grow, This looks like its going to stunt my growth. The next plat im growing here is going to be a Budda Seeds: Red Dwarf I want a better grow............


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are doing too much. You can not water them constantly, change this, change that etc. They sense your despair and will give you a reason for it. Man, that sound crazy, but many here will understand me lol.
Back to reality, the quality of this grow has gone to shit, they will not reach their potential, and what you get at the end is nowhere near what it could have been. Accept that, and see what you can salvage from here. At minimum you will get a great learning experience from this.
I'm fairly certain that your problems are not nutrient brand related, but rather lockout related due to low/ fluctuating ph. I'm hydro now, but I remember getting some Pro-mix batches that had that fucking low ph issue no matter what I did, God I hated that shit, constantly trying to fuck with the ph, hydrated lime, ph up you name, it I tried it. Meanwhile, your plants go too shit. You know what I did, I started to feed them my fucked up tab water (600ppm of God knows what plus chlorine lol), made sure I let them almost dry out between watering, and who would have thought, all my problems with my mother plants went away. Oh yeah, I also don't worry about the fucking ph anymore in my soil mothers, it is what it is.
I feed them when they lighten up a little, but other then that I just make sure I don't over water. Also, keep them in the shade while they are stressed, sick things don't like to be in the full sun ;).
Alright, now the soil guys can flame me ha!
Good luck bro!


Active Member
I agree with Unity. I wouldn't switch up nutes this late in the game, plus fox farm nutes aren't crap, you just have to be careful with them. Salvage what you can of your plant now and learn from your mistakes for next time. Cannabis plants in soil like a drying out period. Give them a real healthy water/feeding and don't water them until there real dry about 2 to 3 inches down in the soil. You might want to just start using your tap water instead of purified water, because when it comes down to it, fox farm nutes were made to be used with tap water. That comes straight from fox farm themselves. good luck man


Active Member
No you guys got it confused. Ok. I ment for my next grow. This is what I'm doing. I'm going to keep growing this plant with the same nutes I have been using from the start which is Fox farm nutes until plant is done. Whatever I get, I get. My next grow I'm going too plant a red dwarf seed, so I'm going to use Fox Farm Soil "1 Last chance", but I'm going to just use Big Bloom and Grow Big the whole grow, NO TIGER BLOOM. I want to see if its the tiger bloom is doing this to my plant. When I grow the next seed, if this problem still exist I'm going too change up everything. I went out today and picked up some advanced nutrients Bud Candy, Bloom, Grow, micro. I'm going to hold out on this though until I can put my hand on the issue thats been looming for so long. Maybe I might do a fox farm soil with advanced nutrients, i dunno. Well here are some updated pics of how she is going so far: I'm trying so hard here!

What do you think? DAY 62 FROM SEED



Well-Known Member
I see your point about changing the ferts but i see the problem with ferts is more down to lacking some nutrients or the combo of them, most problems i have are down to the soil recently. I use to use a few different nutes and seaweed but am just down to using the grow for veg and bloom for flower with a touch of seaweed if i get any deficiencies. I am slowly winning my battle with pH and have been working on some different soil mixes that will weaken down my soil, i am back to that crap stuff perlite as i am finding it is desperatly needed as my soil is not draining so well, i have gone for a thirty percent mix and will work from that, also for the flowering pots i am gona add some non peat soil and perlite to my peat soil with decent amount of lime so that i have more control over my soil, seems like the bags of soil here are pushing over 60 percent peat this year, up from 50 percent last year and 40 percent a year or two before that. I tried using just the peat free but the seedling in that is growing real slow and because it seems mainly decomposed wood it is soaking up to much water and taking over a week to dry.

I hate perlite but back it comes to my grow, i see you have a lot of it too.

Would a new soil mix with the old fox farms be a viable idea for the next grow? I see a lot better soil mixes than the fox farms and stuff i get, my soil is 6.3 out of the bag and really is pot luck at the moment if the plant has problems or not. I am almost there though so this is good news. I tried a lot of things to get here though!


Well-Known Member
I never knew perlite affected pH in such a big way, more drainage = more wet and dry periods hence the lime in the soil mix works much quicker to buffer the soil!


Active Member
I bought some Advanced Nutrients today and supposedly it is PH Perfect ready. NO NEED FOR PH UP OR DOWN. I don't know how true this is but I really want to try it out! It's the Micro, Bloom, Grow. I'm waiting to use it , maybe next grow.

"off-color leaves, slow growth and low yields because of pH and PPM fluctuations are a thing of the past...
Because GMB contains "pH Perfect" technology which eliminates the need to manually check and adjust pH levels two times per day.
In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone's water)-this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants growth and bloom phases!
Which means you'll never have to manually adjust your pH … you'll never have to worry that your plants aren't in the premium growing environment... all you have to do is use GMB as directed and the "pH Perfect" technology takes care of all that for you!"


Well-Known Member
I like the cut of your jib, these nutes sound great. I looked into pH perfect nutes years ago but found nothing, every one was acidic, organic i have founf over the years is more forgiving on pH in good soil but that was the best i could do. Please leave me a link to this because if it buffers the soil i am definatly intrested, not an american product i cant get over here in the uk is it?

Why do you say check the pH twice a day? it sounds like a hydro product?


Well-Known Member
I bought some Advanced Nutrients today and supposedly it is PH Perfect ready. NO NEED FOR PH UP OR DOWN. I don't know how true this is but I really want to try it out! It's the Micro, Bloom, Grow. I'm waiting to use it , maybe next grow.

"off-color leaves, slow growth and low yields because of pH and PPM fluctuations are a thing of the past...
Because GMB contains "pH Perfect" technology which eliminates the need to manually check and adjust pH levels two times per day.
In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone's water)-this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants growth and bloom phases!
Which means you'll never have to manually adjust your pH … you'll never have to worry that your plants aren't in the premium growing environment... all you have to do is use GMB as directed and the "pH Perfect" technology takes care of all that for you!"

yeah it's pH perfect... for hydro!

if you grow in soil, you need soil nutrients. like your other nutes, these nutes by AN will buffer your solution way too low for soil. switch to hydro or get some soil nutes.


Active Member
yeah it's pH perfect... for hydro!

if you grow in soil, you need soil nutrients. like your other nutes, these nutes by AN will buffer your solution way too low for soil. switch to hydro or get some soil nutes.
Confused! Sorry! Soil Nutrients? That would already come in Fox Farm soil, No?


Well-Known Member
Stop using RO or purified water and your ph will not be as hard to maintain in soil. Use the tab-water, or you are going to have to amend the soil before. Adjusting the ph in feed water will only give you marginal results in soil that is acidic, at least that is my experience. KEEP IT SIMPLE! I water my pro mix mothers with tab water as well as with hydro nutes when I change my res, they don't give a fuck. The point being as long as we do not over water and let them dry out enough between watering, they are tough to kill. If you are having such a hard time in soil, you are doing too much.


Well-Known Member
Im with you there unity, you really do need a good reason to use ro water in soil and like you said if you do it or the soil needs adjusting, lack cal/mag/iron etc etc that is in water in small amounts, ro water is a vacum that sucks in nutes and carbon atoms. Not great for soil, in fact every soil grow i seen with ro water and no water amendment has ended in failure.

So many people don't trust the tap water, easy to find out whats in it and even a simple ec meter will tell you if it is ok, i get soft water under 100ppm and always adjust up with mag to 100ppm and there is plenty of calcium in the soil already. Potassium is a common ingredient in most tap and bottled waters too! Ro water is for very hard water and well water, try mixing half tap water and half ro water for hard water areas.

I did say it sounds like a hydro fert, maybe this might compliment ro water better in soil but i have no way to verify it or see any studies done on it.