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  1. MJmood

    Is She Starting To Flower? And if so, Is It Too Late To Transplant?? PICS

    Plant in it's 13th week of growth. I was about to transplant today because the pot is too small and the stem is too long, but the pistils are growing super fast and it looks like some tiny buds are forming. I was wondering if it's a good idea to transplant when she's about to start flowering? I...
  2. MJmood

    Outdoor Cloning? PICS included

    Okay thanks a lot. Which part of the plant is best for cloning? newer leaves or old, those with a full 5-leaf set or the top sprout, etc.
  3. MJmood

    Outdoor Cloning? PICS included

    I have a plant here that I've been having some issues with because of the small pot she's in and also a nutrient deficiency (possibly a pest problem as well). I was wondering if I could use some of the healthy leaves at the top for cloning some new, healthier plants outdoors. What would be the...
  4. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    Is it necessary that I buy NEW soil?? I have some fox farm happy frog organic potting soil that is about 3-4 months old...I used this soil (which had been used previously) when I transplanted the seedling and it seemed to work great. If I were to buy some liquid nutes and use the topdressing...
  5. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    Can anyone give me some general advice on transplanting?? PLease!
  6. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    I have some fox farm happy frog organic potting soil that has been used once for an herb garden, it's only about 3 months old. Do you think its necessary that I buy NEW soil? This soil seems to be in good condition and was only used once for some basil.
  7. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    Im using fox farm all purpose for nutes in about 12 oz of H2O, sometimes a little more. and for soil Im suring fox farm happy frog organic potting soil...
  8. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    She's about 3 1/2 feet tall.
  9. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    I've been feeding it but not too much because someone on here told me to cool it on the nutes - they said it was showing signs of nute burn? But Im starting to seriously doubt that cuz Ive reduced the amount of fert and it's only gotten worse. It gets about 6 hours of first sunlight per day...
  10. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    No I haven't visibly seen any mites or eggs, but there are some holes in a few of the damaged leaves (you can kinda see in pic 5). What size pot do you recommend transplanting to? And I've been feeding it about once a week (sometimes twice) roughly 2 tablespoons of 5-5-5 fert in water. You think...
  11. MJmood

    Do I need to transplant??

    This is a plant in it's 12th week of growth and it seems to be having some issues. I was told that the yellow/brown leaves were from spider mites, so I've been applying neem oil, which I have yet to see results from. Do I need to transplant to a larger pot? I was thinking it's roots may be...
  12. MJmood

    Technique/theory that I'm considering...Let me know what you think

    How long do you think it will take roughly?
  13. MJmood

    Technique/theory that I'm considering...Let me know what you think

    Okay thanks I figured I wasn't the first one who has thought of this. So are the holes in the cover (box) necessary? Or could you guide me to a thread that has some info on this technique?
  14. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    Okay thanks. I know this sounds like a stupid question but since this is my first grow - how can I tell if the plant has stopped vegging and has begun flowering? There are multiple branches that have lots of long pistils, but the plant hasnt showed any actual bud forming. I can post pics if you...
  15. MJmood

    Technique/theory that I'm considering...Let me know what you think

    So I have an outdoor plant in it's 12th week of growth, she seems to be doing well - nice and tall and pistils growing from multiple colas. Unfortunately it turns out I will be leaving somewhere in about 1 month. So I was hoping to somehow induce flowering early in the outdoors. Right now the...
  16. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how many times and how often I should apply the neem oil?
  17. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    What exactly do you mean? And how can you tell the plant is nutrient starved?
  18. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    I just picked up a product called Triple action neem oil and used it as a foliar spray. Ive been to Worms way before but it isnt located nearby so I used the neem instead. How would you all say this neem oil and Azamax match up? Is...
  19. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    What is your recommended method of 'nuking' bugs? If I use neem oil, how much and how often? I'm a bit of a bug noob, never had this problem before...
  20. MJmood

    PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED

    Also, does mulch really help with spider mites?