PLEASE HELP - not sure what's happening with my plant!! PICS INCLUDED


Well-Known Member
i just follow the instructions on the neem bottle. there's a good preventative spray recipe in my sig, but i use botanical soap a couple times a week, just to wash any bugs off.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Okay thanks, I called my local garden supply and they only seem to carry neem oil, no Azamax. So I was going to use the neem oil with the End ALL insect killer. What regimen would you recommend for this? How often to apply, what time of day, how much, etc...
No problem. Use the End All just like it says in the instructions, but make sure you get the underside of the leaves real good, that's where they're at. And the bigger the plant, the harder that is. Then the next day I'd give them a good rinse in the morning and let them dry out a little, then go ahead and do a foliar with the Neem oil. You can re-apply it after a week or so, indoors I reapply every 10 or so days, but I imagine rain rinses it off more outside.

If you can find the AzaMax though, what I like about it is that it's systemic, so you can use it before flowering every 2 or 3 weeks as directed on the bottle, and it's taken up through the roots and grows into the leaves and stalk. So when mites eat it, well you get the picture. And it fucks their eggs up good too.


Active Member
"Don’t use soaps or oils on water-stressed plants or when temperatures exceed 90°F. These materials may injure some plants..."

You said temp average was 96 right?

You have a spider mite problem, the above 5 websites are just a few that concur that mulching will help in getting rid of spider mites.

Also, under further investigation, watering the foliage is good in getting rid of spider mites. Just spray from bottom, upwards... Thus to getting the back of the leaves wet. That is were the spider mites attack. Also do that in the morning or at night, not in the peak heat.


New Member
looks like the plants are outside so spider mites are not going to happen but it looks like ph issues go buy some dolomite lime and sprinkle a couple of hand fulls on soil around plant looks like soil ph is off also you can sprinkle some compost/ manures around plant also


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks, I called my local garden supply and they only seem to carry neem oil, no Azamax. So I was going to use the neem oil with the End ALL insect killer. What regimen would you recommend for this? How often to apply, what time of day, how much, etc...
Not sure where you are, but there is a chain hydro/gardening store called "a Worms way". They have a website. I am positive you can get Azamax there for about $28. My boy asked me to finish up his bagseed grow for him under my 250 HPS light. I noticed he had a bunch of Fungus Gnats that I didn't want anywhere near my grow. Azamax is 100% organic and as others have mentioned you can use it to Flush (3 treatments a week apart) and a Foliar spray. After 2 treatment (third blast is scheduled for tomorrow) the Fungus Gnat issue is pretty much gone. Azamax can be used to control mites as well.

I highly recommend. It is a concentrate and takes something like 2 TBS per Gallon. It will last you a long time. Well worth the $30 bucks or so.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
looks like the plants are outside so spider mites are not going to happen but it looks like ph issues go buy some dolomite lime and sprinkle a couple of hand fulls on soil around plant looks like soil ph is off also you can sprinkle some compost/ manures around plant also
Do you live in Thailand? Lol. Spidermites come inside our homes FROM outside, it's ridiculous to say that you can't have an infestation of mites outside. I've got saw a couple mites on my raspberry plants in the garden this morning. I AzaMaxed those bitches.


I just picked up a product called Triple action neem oil

and used it as a foliar spray. Ive been to Worms way before but it isnt located nearby so I used the neem instead. How would you all say this neem oil and Azamax match up? Is one generally preferable? Does one have a lesser effect on the plant and result in a cleaner, more organic bud?


Active Member
I just picked up a product called Triple action neem oil

and used it as a foliar spray. Ive been to Worms way before but it isnt located nearby so I used the neem instead. How would you all say this neem oil and Azamax match up? Is one generally preferable? Does one have a lesser effect on the plant and result in a cleaner, more organic bud?
Already gave you a better organic way that is working wonders for me... Pic and all.... Even links to support my idea.


Active Member



Well-Known Member
I just picked up a product called Triple action neem oil

and used it as a foliar spray. Ive been to Worms way before but it isnt located nearby so I used the neem instead. How would you all say this neem oil and Azamax match up? Is one generally preferable? Does one have a lesser effect on the plant and result in a cleaner, more organic bud?
Unfortunately, I don't have a basis of comparison. I am pretty new at this growing shit. I stopped by A Worms Way, explained my dilemma which is: I am growing DWC, but am finishing up a flowering fruit producing plant under my light for a friend and he has gnats that I don't want fkng up my own grow and am looking for something organic. They went immediately to Azamax. It sounds like Witchdoctor knows his stuff and you should probably listen to him.

It also sounds to me that you should check out the info Growman is giving you before spending money on something that eventually harms your plants. What I liked about Azamaz is that it is 100% vegetable based that was safe to use in all types of set-ups. Ideal for my situation since I am growing indoors.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I just picked up a product called Triple action neem oil

and used it as a foliar spray. Ive been to Worms way before but it isnt located nearby so I used the neem instead. How would you all say this neem oil and Azamax match up? Is one generally preferable? Does one have a lesser effect on the plant and result in a cleaner, more organic bud?
Neem oil is more natural, the AzaMax I believe they use some kind of process to extract one of the properties from the neem that works the best (or maybe it's the cheapest lol), but it's OMRI labeled, so whatever process they use complies with organic standards. The neem also has kind of a weird smell. But they both work well. Like I said though, the AzaMax can be used as a soil drench in veg as well, so you're getting much more use out of the product. You'll be good with the neem, just don't use it after they start flowering. If you see some AzaMax though, I'd pick up a little bottle and drench.

Already gave you a better organic way that is working wonders for me... Pic and all.... Even links to support my idea.
The information you left is very good Growman, but people will be more likely to accept your ideas if you can figure out a way to seem less pushy with them. I'm the same way sometimes, I feel like when I learn all this great stuff, people should just shut up and listen to me lol.

But in the end, people don't want to grow the way someone else does, they just want solid advice to help them find the direction they want to go in. So don't feel bad if someone doesn't take the advice, just keep giving it...other people will see it and take it, I promise. There are already 400 views on this page. I guarantee someone saved your links, I did.


Active Member
Neem oil is more natural, the AzaMax I believe they use some kind of process to extract one of the properties from the neem that works the best (or maybe it's the cheapest lol), but it's OMRI labeled, so whatever process they use complies with organic standards. The neem also has kind of a weird smell. But they both work well. Like I said though, the AzaMax can be used as a soil drench in veg as well, so you're getting much more use out of the product. You'll be good with the neem, just don't use it after they start flowering. If you see some AzaMax though, I'd pick up a little bottle and drench.

The information you left is very good Growman, but people will be more likely to accept your ideas if you can figure out a way to seem less pushy with them. I'm the same way sometimes, I feel like when I learn all this great stuff, people should just shut up and listen to me lol.

But in the end, people don't want to grow the way someone else does, they just want solid advice to help them find the direction they want to go in. So don't feel bad if someone doesn't take the advice, just keep giving it...other people will see it and take it, I promise. There are already 400 views on this page. I guarantee someone saved your links, I did.
Well thats why I have links, pic, and quotes, so you dont just have to listen to me...

But you are right, as long as someone is at least looking into it, thats cool...

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on how many times and how often I should apply the neem oil?
Oh sorry, I left that out. You can use it once a week for as long as the plant it vegging. Stop using it once you see flowers though. You don't want it getting into the buds.