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  1. northendgrower


    What is your question?
  2. northendgrower

    Does anyone use worms in their indoor garden?

    Hey everyone I just got some clones off a friend and got them going indoors till it gets warmer outside, at which point i will put them on my roof! Put a bunch of worms in them today also a bunch of ground up fruits and veggies for them to feast on hopefully it goes well
  3. northendgrower

    Organic Bud can Look Better then hydro!

    Day 48 flower
  4. northendgrower

    gess my yeild for +rep complol

    He probably ended up with a half ounce of shit weed thats why.
  5. northendgrower

    Does speed drying ruin potency? Bit worried...

    Yes speed drying does ruin potency so does light. Remember the last few weeks is when the bud really starts to put on weight as well as form good amounts of thc, so what ever you do dont rush harvest, youve come this far just wait it out and you wont have any regrets!
  6. northendgrower

    Experience with Predatory mites anyone??

    Im in my 6th week of flowering and have about another 6 weeks left (sativa). I've been reading up on predatory mites as a good source for pest control. But the question i have is when im about to harvest will my plants be full of predatory mites? Will i have them all in my buds? How will i get...
  7. northendgrower

    Alaska Fish Emulsion...

    I use the exact same nutes as you never bothered checking the ph. and they look beautiful.
  8. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    Starting to get thicker, i also have a little mite problem on the lower fan leaves. Got some neem oil but i dont plan on spraying any buds.
  9. northendgrower

    I managed to get my 400w hps 12cm from plants, too much?

    My 430w Son Agro is about 7 inches from the top colas so youre good.
  10. northendgrower

    NY Post racist pic

    The stimulus bill is so stupid it takes a monkey to come up with something like that. Obama=Bush Change? What change?
  11. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    Well heres some newer pics, its starting to pick up some weight. By the way i was told that this is lemon hash at first i didnt know if that was true or not, but now that its starting to smell i noticed that it does smell a bit citrus like lemons maybe it is lemon hash? Anyone have experience...
  12. northendgrower

    Must see porn!!

    Beautiful looking ladies you got there, making my mouth water just looking at em'.
  13. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    The cola thats closest and directly under the uvb is starting to bend away from the uvb. Im guessing its trying to avoid the bad radiation? So i'll just stick to the one i have and not add more. By the way how safe are these sites? Would the police look at these pics and try and find me? As...
  14. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    OK folks i got this UVB light over my plants and as you all know its supposed to increase trichs. Well i got this thing hanging above the plants beside the 400w hps, and in order to get it to point the way i want i have to tape it to the wall while its hanging. Every now and then the tape tends...
  15. northendgrower

    Iran Update...

    Obama can suck my you know what.. Just cause he's the first black pres makes him special, shame shit different mask ...
  16. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    I veg'd them for 6 weeks I was in my 2nd week of flower and i realized they were too tall for my closet thats when i decided to go with the screen, a little late but it worked!
  17. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    Day 19 Flower
  18. northendgrower

    Iran Update...

    I hope they do develop nuclear wepons and destroy Isreal and the US!!
  19. northendgrower

    Check this baby out!

    The screen worked out, beginners luck i guess!
  20. northendgrower

    What should i do? (Pics)

    Just some bagseed.