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  1. northendgrower

    Still have 2 months in veggative

    Yes get rid of that one it has balls
  2. northendgrower

    Transplanting hack

    Waiting for the warmer temps, I plan on getting them put into the 32 gals by next weekend may 16th. I bring them outside on nice sunny days to take advantage of the sunlight
  3. northendgrower

    Fox Farm 2020/ How Much Do You Pay?

    Canada (Toronto area) 2 cu ft happy frog $30 1.5 cu ft ocean forest $30
  4. northendgrower

    Roots and transplanting

    I just went from 2 gal pots to 5 gals a week ago my roots got a bit loosened also but it actually seemed to have helped my plants, it has been growing like crazy since the transplant, so I wouldn't worry if I were you!
  5. northendgrower

    Transplanting hack

    They are getting nice and bushy! And I've decided to go with 32 gal garbage bins instead of 10 gal pots
  6. northendgrower

    Transplanting hack

    So I grew some clones I got off a friend, got em inside right now under my 600w hps while i wait for it to warm up outside so i can put it on my roof. Doing lst btw, I want them in 10gal pots when on the roof and I already have built a platform for them up there. I went from solo cups to 1 gal...
  7. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Ammonia is high in nitrogen, but I dont smell anything at all cause what I did is put a bit of the pee fertilizer in first then applied the cal mag and nutes so to wash the pee into the soil worked like a charm!
  8. northendgrower

    Replant or still good enough?

    So it just gets the morning sun, not enough. Maybe theres another window you can move it to for afternoon sun? Otherwise put them under a lamp. Im in ontario myself got mine under a 600w hps which I found on kijiji for cheap, waiting for the warmer weather so I can put em on my roof plenty of...
  9. northendgrower

    Replant or still good enough?

    Usually when they dont get enough light they tend to stretch, how many hours of direct sunlight are they getting by the window?
  10. northendgrower

    Replant or still good enough?

    Bigger pots would help, but more importantly more light, most likely why they're so stretchy
  11. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    That's what I was thinking but I figured it's all organic anyways cant hurt it that much so long as I dont over do it, and it did respond well so I'm happy for that next watering just giving it nutes, but I got the pee and cal mag handy in case I need them again
  12. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    So I got me some cal mag and while I was waiting for the pot to dry up so I could feed it to the plants with the next watering, i ended up reading up on pee fertilizer and how good it is for plants. So I figured what the hell might as well, I got my little 5 year old and got her to pee in a...
  13. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    I'm in ffof, my nutes is botanicare pure blend pro which I used a small amount of only once plan on not using it for at least a couple more weeks cause I hear ffof is pretty hot to begin with, although I did have my lights kinda close to the plants before I'm wondering if it could be light...
  14. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Ph is at 6.5 btw
  15. northendgrower

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Hey everyone I noticed some of my new growth has yellowing on the leaves, anyone have any idea what could be causing this? My soil is ffof and a 600w hps for lighting
  16. northendgrower

    I see pistils can i safely continue to veg?

    That's what I was thinking the longer days will help keep it in veg longer, I'm in southern Ontario canada btw. Thanks for the advice I will wait till maybe later in may to put em outside maybe even early June if I have to, dont want to rush em!
  17. northendgrower

    I see pistils can i safely continue to veg?

    That's good to know! But my fear is they might start flowering when I put em outside, I was hoping for a good 2-3 months veg, I guess I'll have to see what happens
  18. northendgrower

    I see pistils can i safely continue to veg?

    I'll try taking some pics later when the lights are off, took some today with the lights on and it ain't very clear, but they definitely are pistils
  19. northendgrower

    I see pistils can i safely continue to veg?

    Hey everyone I got 4 clones sitting under a 600w hps, I was hoping to get them nice and bushy before I put em outside when the temps get better. 1 of the 4 is starting to show pistils already can I safely continue my veg or is it telling me time to flower? Will I be adding stress if I continue...