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  1. D

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Has anyone done LED's on this setup before?
  2. D

    Led Users Unite!

    Its not an issue of the unit itself being small, its the LED size that really matters... and a general rule of thumb is that anything below 1w per LED diode is useless for growing, with an acception maybe to 0.5w LEDs in a confined PC or other Growbox... I didn't do the math but I think your...
  3. D

    Led Users Unite!

    Somebody tested the actual draw on the 240 Blackstar and apparently it was 166w Actual Draw
  4. D

    Test Grow with MH, Sunshine 90W Led and 240 Watt BlackStar Led

    Still wanna sell the Blackstar?!?
  5. D

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    I can't give you the link... but I am 100% positive, from multiple distributors, that you are supposed to keep the leds at 1 foot (.3 m) away until the plants are well in to the vegging stage... its when they are flowering and need the penetration and are no longer prone to "led bleaching" that...
  6. D

    Test Grow with MH, Sunshine 90W Led and 240 Watt BlackStar Led

    Its mainly the older models that have appeared to given that bad name for flowering... So far most of these led grow have them go all the way through and they appear pretty good results.
  7. D

    Led Users Unite!

    Just trying to find out info on them... what size LED diode do they use? 1W 2Wor 3w's? Do they say how many diodes are on the 120's? Curious to hear how they work out as I havn't seen much on this type.
  8. D

    Led Users Unite!

    Very interested here... :-)
  9. D

    Led Users Unite!

    Well you are on an LED thread so of course my answer is Blackstars or Kessil. Kessill is apparently really good, at least for penetration. And the Blackstars are unbeatable for price to Watt ratio and apperently the 240w's easily match a 400hps (from growlogs not the company), so amybe a combo 2...
  10. D

    Led Users Unite!

    I love your optimizm... lets see the results... :-)
  11. D

    Led Users Unite!

    I just ordered on of those, seem a couple threads on them showing fairly good results. Some people bash it saying its cheaply made and needs a heat sink, but for half the price and so far good results, I hardly see that a heat sink is work 4-500 on an led unit... pffft
  12. D

    Led Users Unite!

    1 Blackstar 240W would crush that size of a grow, no side or any sup lighting needed.
  13. D

    A real led discussion

    Any new info in the world of LEDs... I'm just a newb to everything, but everything seems to point towards there being something real here. I mean even if a 300W LED could replace a 600W reliably soon, it would make them worth it.