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  1. s.mills

    Flower Cloning To Increase Yield

    I'm only a noob here but if you air layer early enough id think you be able to al least has a decent root structure to build upon. just my .02 :bigjoint: Not sure if labor would pay off. Worth an experiment :)
  2. s.mills

    Simple Watering ?

    Is it best to water at the beginning or the end of the light cycle?
  3. s.mills

    Full Spectrum CFL

    big up roseman! great post +rep
  4. s.mills

    EarthBox for indoor growing

    I use one. I think marking the tube with fill lines would be helpful. I also slowly jostle mine to keep the res. mixed. a pump would work well but i grow herbs :weed: not a money tree :cry:, and with this hobby there is always something else you could buy :). :peace: s.mills
  5. s.mills

    Dutch Passion Blueberry Grow Journal

    any updates? I'm growing blueberry too :mrgreen:
  6. s.mills

    LST important question

    Mac- does this work in reverse? s.mills
  7. s.mills


    Haha so true. One of my two was topped 8 days ago and still no new growth. so im just worried. thanks for the words of wisdom
  8. s.mills


    Can you top a plant too low and kill any chance of new top growth?
  9. s.mills

    blueberry help hydro

    I/m growing DP BB and have topped my two. just waiting for them to recover. They are 16" and were cut above the 5th node
  10. s.mills

    Stunted Growth

    Is using rooting hormone a dumb idea?
  11. s.mills

    Stunted Growth

    The rest of the plant looks just fine. Is there anything i can do to help speed up growth? their on Flora grow, ffbb and i have a spray'n grow. thanks mannurse :peace:
  12. s.mills

    Stunted Growth

    My blueberry was topped just above the 5th node and has had no new growth for 4 days :|......Any advice? I don't want her to get bushy can she be re-topped to promote new growth if needed? tia:bigjoint:
  13. s.mills

    Florida Growers Thread

    any one use earthbox for their indoor grows?
  14. s.mills

    Upper Fan Leaves droop

    Thanks for your help....i guess i'll start an earthbox thread
  15. s.mills

    Upper Fan Leaves droop

    It happens 1-2 hr before they go to sleep. I'm using an earthbox to help prevent that. So are the ladies taking in too much water on their own?
  16. s.mills

    Upper Fan Leaves droop

    This is my first grow. I have two fem Blueberry. The last two nites the upper fan leaves droop, It looks like the leaf is too heavy for the that possiable? any ideas or suggestions? tia:lol:
  17. s.mills


    None of my searches work.....all come back with no results:wall: can someone help me please?
  18. s.mills

    Tree 0 5 here (miami)

    thanks. this site was a great find
  19. s.mills

    Tree 0 5 here (miami)

    Hi all, i'm new here (obviously) any other from the area?