Stunted Growth


Active Member
My blueberry was topped just above the 5th node and has had no new growth for 4 days :|......Any advice? I don't want her to get bushy can she be re-topped to promote new growth if needed? tia:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Topping will stress it out, and slow growth for a bit. Does the plant "look" ok, or is it wilting and such? If it looks fine, then more than likely, it will be fine....


Active Member
The rest of the plant looks just fine. Is there anything i can do to help speed up growth? their on Flora grow, ffbb and i have a spray'n grow. thanks mannurse :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah kinda... your roots are fine I imagine.... You just chopped the top off of the plant. It is confused and stressed, needs a while to recover...


Well-Known Member
my one plant took 2 days to recover from topping while the other took around 2 weeks to recover, from what i seen the average is about a week to recover having 24/0 days will help em speed it up also


Well-Known Member
If you didn't want you BB bushy, then why'd you top it? Topping slows upward growth and promotes side branching. Always has.