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  1. M

    Coco coir & autoflowers - wateirng schedules?

    @Resinhound thanks for your reply. I think the drainage is okay, the medium takes 3-5 days to fully dry out an inch or two down, but this is what I mean - at this early stage of my plants growth, is this advisable to treat it in this soil-like way until she can handle more water? Im using a mix...
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    Coco coir & autoflowers - wateirng schedules?

    In regards to treating coco like hydro, I have been reading lots of contrasting information - some growers like to leave their coco to dry in between waterings and others like to water every day. My question is, as I'm growing autoflowers, I've started directly in their final containers - 15L...
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    seedling overwatering? please help

    One of my seedlings, day 12 - Pretty sure this is overwatering, not underwatering. Been watering in a small circle around the plant, no more than 50 or 60ml of water at a time, every 2-4 days, the plant has been like this for 4 or 5 days now and showing no signs of recovery, what's going on? The...
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    10 day old seedlings - issues! pls help

    Thanks that would be appreciated! I have raised them by about 4" we'll see how they react overnight!
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    Hello got some small-ish seedlings in 15L autopots, coco. 12 days old, still pretty small as started in final container, and had some environmental fluctuations in regards to temperature and humidity, which has now been steadied. Been reading a couple of LED autopot coco grow diaries and it...
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    10 day old seedlings - issues! pls help

    The LEDs are 19" above the seedlings. DormGrow recommended 16-18" for this model at seedling stage, but I thought that might be a bit close, would you raise them further still?
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    10 day old seedlings - issues! pls help

    Thanks for all the replies. Mick, that's what I thought in regards to coco. Being an autoflower, the last grow I made the mistake of transplanting from a smaller container into the autopot, and that severely stunted her growth, which is why I've started them in these. So you think I should give...
  8. M

    10 day old seedlings - issues! pls help

    The leaves look a little yellow which makes me think there may be some use for cal-mag? Maybe next watering should just be plain ph'd water with some cal-mag? Being in coco, there are no existing nutrients in the medium for the seedlings to use, which is not the case in soil. Would you still...
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    10 day old seedlings - issues! pls help

    Hi all. 2nd grow, coco, 15L pots 2x Sour Orange Diesel Kush auto 1x Blue Treacle auto Lights - DormGrow 240W LED/Mars Hydro 190W UFO LED Tent - 60x60x140 Nutes - just seedling nutes from Canna start Problems - environment - Humidity is fluctuating a lot. Added the LEDs the other day, made the...
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    help/advice needed - T5/CFLs and LED

    no one?! :(
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    help/advice needed - T5/CFLs and LED

    Hi all, second grow, plants just into week 2 now and switching from 24W propagation T5 to a 125w blue CFL. On my first grow I kept my T5s on them up until week 4 LOL My problem is, being autoflowers, I have (this time round) planted them in their final 15L autopot containers already, rather...
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    Slightly worried - harvest day today - help!

    Thanks guys, already got one plant in my drying box - temps and RH are stable in there (for now!), this was in the grow tent, but if you think it's fine then I'm fine! Gonna celebrate the near-completion of my first grow! :bigjoint:
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    Slightly worried - harvest day today - help!

    I am happy guys I'm just worried that it would be typical if they got mold on the last day!
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    Slightly worried - harvest day today - help!

    Hi all, growing a white diesel haze auto which is ready for the chop today. Gave her 24 hours of darkness as I read this was a practise some growers swear by. During the last week of flowering, with the LED on and normal growing conditions etc, humidity was between 38-50% (usually around 40) and...
  15. M

    Is my DIY drying box going to work?

    Thanks for your inputs guys, much appreciated, yeah I'm going to make a bigger, better, more stable box - that ideally will fit along the length of the closet, which means I can put shoes/clothes around it and disguise it better - as this next plant looks like she'll harvest too much to fit in...
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    Is my DIY drying box going to work?

    Haha no worries mate! I'll put it back in then lol, don't think I'll be able to get temps that low as it's pretty warm in the UK right now and I'm on a third floor so it's always baking (haha) hot in here no matter what I do! However, I did learn something from reading that post, so thanks very much
  17. M

    Is my DIY drying box going to work?

    I've taken the dehumidifier out and put it round the back next to the fan. Current RH is 58% and temps are 22-23 degrees. With the dehumidifier in there it seemed to reduce RH to 45-50 but the temps were raised by a couple of degrees. I guess it's a case of what's more important?!
  18. M

    Is my DIY drying box going to work?

    Hello all, couldn't find any specific places for drying questions so thought this would make the most sense... Made this yesterday while very stoned.. Would it work? Harvesting a small yielding plant today just before lights on at 4:20 and wanted to put it in this. Got a dehumidifier, a small...
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    Are my auto's ready for harvest? and leaf problems - help! first time grower

    Hello all. TL;DR available below. Long version Here I present my White Label White Diesel Haze, in the start of her 11th week, and a Dr Krippling Bulk Smash (both autoflowers) in the start of her 10th week. I think they are both in the harvest window now, (due to the trichome colouring and...
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    How are my plants looking? 6 weeks in

    Haha! Been on 1/4 strength since the beginning of the grow, perhaps it's time to up the strength. In terms of watering, since my overwatering episode I think I've been erring more on the side of caution, I'll probably use no more than 1L of water on the bigger plant and maybe half that on the...