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  1. Alien Train Wreck

    Pipe Resin

    Hey guys! Long Time no see! I've been really busy with school, but everything's going smooth so I'm back =P. Anyway, I got a pipe about a year ago that I named "The Fireball". I smoke out of it regularly and never got around to cleaning it.Needless to say....THERE IS A TON OF RESIN! And because...
  2. Alien Train Wreck

    Making Extacy Pills?

    You need a pill press man,or you could get some gel capsules (from any health food store or online)and pack the powder in there.
  3. Alien Train Wreck

    Salvia Strains?

    Do you know any websites where I could find more info?
  4. Alien Train Wreck

    Salvia Strains?

    Hey guys, I have a quick question. Theres been a lot of research about other salvia strains that can get high/make you trip. Does anyone have any experience with salvias other than Divinorum,or just know others that will do it? Thanks guys, Alien Train Wreck:blsmoke:
  5. Alien Train Wreck

    Salvia Strains?

    Hey guys, I have a quick question. Theres been a lot of research about other salvia strains that can get high/make you trip. Does anyone have any experience with salvias other than Divinorum,or just know others that will do it? Thanks guys, Alien Train Wreck:blsmoke:
  6. Alien Train Wreck

    Wtf is going on???

    Anyone out there?
  7. Alien Train Wreck

    Shroom Strain?

    OK guys, so I'm gonna start growing shrooms, and I'm ordering from Free Spore Ring Europe. It's my first grow,does any one have any advice to what strain to start with? Thanks guys ATW:fire:
  8. Alien Train Wreck

    Wtf is going on???

    Ok,so yesterday I noticed what I thought were white hairs on the calyxs so I thought it was a girl.Today I looked again,and I realized they are leaves! WTF IS GOING ON!?!? Thanks for any help guys ATW:fire:
  9. Alien Train Wreck

    THe coolest shit to do when your high

    Well I'm overweight, so when I get high, I'm almost always at other places than my house,so I end up walking for miles and I don't mind it, and I don't even remember most of it. It helps me lose weight XP
  10. Alien Train Wreck

    What are the chances of that?

    Lol I know its awesome,but what I meant is,could it be an auto-flowering strain?
  11. Alien Train Wreck

    Beef up your buds

    Water with Molassus
  12. Alien Train Wreck

    What are the chances of that?

    Hey guys whats up? ATW here SO the wierdest thing happened, today I checked on my plant and noitced little white hairs where the offshoots meet the main stem. The only thing is,my plant is in vegging, its 6 weeks old, and its bagseed. What are the cahnces of that lol? Later ATW:fire:
  13. Alien Train Wreck

    Calyx's starting to swell, how much longer?

    Post some pics man,It'll attract ppl.
  14. Alien Train Wreck

    Indica or Sativa?

    Lol thanks guys
  15. Alien Train Wreck

    Indica or Sativa?

    Hey guys Quick question, If a plant has short fat leaves is it an indica or sativa? I know you can't be 100% sure, but which is more common? Thanks guys ATW:fire:
  16. Alien Train Wreck

    hmmm....only one germinated

    Just give it time lol.What strain are you growing?
  17. Alien Train Wreck

    Adding Sugar?

    thanks man +rep
  18. Alien Train Wreck


    Its all in the Grow FAQ's man. Everything is lmao.
  19. Alien Train Wreck

    Adding Sugar?

    Hey guys Quick Question, this may sound stupid but..........will watering my soil with sugar and water help the plant? Thanks guys, ATW:fire:
  20. Alien Train Wreck

    ... My roommate crushed one of my seedlings.

    I know how you feel man, just two days ago,me and my boy threw together a gravity bong with a mountain dew bottle and an Extra Large Slurpie Cup(we call 'em Slurpies XP). And he wanted to see my seedlings. They were about 6 inches high and I pulled the pot out of the grow room and we admired...