Salvia Strains?

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I have a quick question. Theres been a lot of research about other salvia strains that can get high/make you trip. Does anyone have any experience with salvias other than Divinorum,or just know others that will do it?

Thanks guys,
Alien Train Wreck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They're not called strains, they're different species of Sage.

There's Salvia Officinalis, which is common sage, contains thujone, synergizes extremely well with cannabis. I smoke/vape thujone-containing wormwood almost every time I smoke/vape cannabis.

Salvia Nemerosa is said to be an analgesic by some.

There's a bunch more, those are the only ones I can think of right now.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I'm allowed to post links to other forums, but here's one I'm a member of.

Edot forums

Look in the Salvia section and the Plant discussion section.