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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    Hey guys, i have em under 400 HPS with the light about 1.5ft away... the temps are about 75-82 during the day and im not sure about noight, they might have gotten really cold last night but not too bad. As for nutes i am at <75% of the week 2 foxfarm bloom nutes, and they are 2 weeks into...
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    I switched them to 12/12 8 days ago, tis the season of greeeeeeeen... Pot of Golddddddddddddd Its a girl! Root Porn NL and LA Woman
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    This is the pot of gold.... a lanky one, but im excited! This is the NL or LA woman.... yes... I was high when i put them in the netpots and didnt label.... lol
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    Hello! This is an OPEN THREAD, post your heart out! Supplies- 2x4x5 Grow Tent (Ebay) 400w HPS and Hortilux (Ebay) Fox Farms Hydroponics Nute Trio 5 Gal Buckets covered in foil tape 6" netpot lids 400CFM inline fan 3 Dual output air pumps from Wal-Mart 3x 10" airstones and 3x 6" airstones - 1...
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    HELP heat stress?

    It looks like wind burn, get a oscillating fan and get some more light on the plant. In the end more light = denser buds and more weight. Perfect Fan
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    Droopy leaves!!! in dwc setup help me please.

    That, sir, looks like nute burn. I know, i know... 1/4 nutes and nute burn? Its possible, happened to me... Try doing 1/8th strength (in the res), and pouring PH balanced water with no nutes through the hydroton
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    my plants are a week old and starting to turn yellow on the tips

    Prolly Nute burn... use 1/4 or less of the first week of the feeding schudule... My plants were givin nothing but water in the res with 1/8-1/4 strength nutes poured over the hydroton every couple days. After you get a couple nodes you can slowly bump up the nutes. I dont have a PPM meter so...
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    SlimE! please help!

    O snap, so by those numbers i can just add some more to the reses right now? Im gonna add 15mL per res to bring the total hydrogen peroxide in ther ein the last 24 h to 45mL on a little over a gallon. Wish me luck!
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    SLIME! please help!

    Bump! Please, i know someone else has had this problem!
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    SLIME! please help!

    Well i changed my reses to 30mL of Hydrogen Peroxide and 10mL HygroZyme per gallon (Just over 1 gallon per res) Wish me luck!
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    SlimE! please help!

    Already done it, twice. Thus the frustration, prolly should have saud that though.... This is what i ended up doing
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    SLIME! please help!

    Someone please help! im changing reses every day! im about to just scrap it... and waste 100+ hudro supplies! :(
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    SLIME! please help!

    I am using 8 ML per Gallon of Hygrozyme... the back says 8-10 ML, so i should be alright, but ill bump it up. Ill post pics of my buckets, but there is DEF no light in those buckets lol
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    SlimE! please help!

    Hey guys, i posted this in the plant problems part and havent got any response, so hopefully the home of the bubble heads can help! i know ive come on here for a similar problem before but things have not imporved! Please help...
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    SLIME! please help!

    Hey guys, sorry to make this post so brief but im rushing to class that started... 9 minutes ago.... I have 3 plants, each in its own res (3.5 gal buckets) using FF Big Bloom and Grow Hydro... along with Hygrozyme. I have tried adding H2O2 to my reses, from 1 capful per galon all the way to...
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    First hydro grow, loving the ease

    Hey man, Nice start! THose things aint gonna start showing for about another week or two of being under 12/12. As for your big containers, make sure that its 100% light proof and have plenty of bubbles. Good lucK!
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    Foam in res (again!)

    YEah im gonna try to make thses work for about another couple weeks then im gonna switch to 5 gal buckets. Does anyone else have any methods for fixing the problem? ide love to try something new to help fix this... it seems like every day im changing at least 1 res